Weekly News – October Half Term

Celebration Assembly

Well done to all the children for their fantastic performances in last Friday’s Celebration Assembly. All the staff were very proud of their children and how hard they have worked over the last half term. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and share in the children’s successes.


Please keep an eye on the website as some of the clubs have now changed. The only club now running on Tuesday is Film Club. Craft Club on Wednesday is now for KS2 but we are running a new club in its place for younger children; Colouring Club will take place in Class 2 on Wednesdays for Reception/Year1/Year 2. We will continue to run KS2 Football Club for as long as the darker nights allow. Please note there is no Football Club on Wednesday 11th (as there is an U9s match – details to follow) but this may still show on the calendar until it has been updated.


Some families will already be aware that there are roadworks on Bicton Lane past the Church. This is not affecting access to the school entrance from Holyhead Road at present.

Safer School Parent/Guardian Survey

Many thanks for the surveys that were returned last Friday. We really appreciate your views and comments so if you could return your survey by Thursday 5th at the latest we would be very grateful.

Operation Christmas Child- Shoeboxes

We are taking part in the Shoebox Appeal this year and children will be bringing home a leaflet the first day back. This is completely voluntary but in previous years we have always found that the children are keen to take part. Filled shoeboxes can be left at the main office and need to be returned to school by Monday 16th November. Thank you in advance for your support.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Mrs Johnson

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 6th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

Class 3 children have been asked to write  about something they have done over half term. It can be about somewhere they have been or someone they have spent time with or we discussed how they could use their imagination and make up something they have done  – for example, pretending they went on a visit to the moon. The choice is up to them.

This homework is due in on Friday 6th November. Apologies that it hasn’t come home with your child – the printer broke in school on Friday!

Have a lovely half term all.

Miss Barratt

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the half term break we would like children to present a non-chronological report on a topic of their choice.

We have talked a lot about them in English over the past few weeks and the children have all written their own reports about Sound. All children should be aware of the different features that they need to include and ways they can make their report interesting and attractive for the reader.

Children can choose to present their reports on the computer, on paper or as a booklet. If children need any resources to help them with this homework, please ask an adult in Class 4 before we break up on Friday.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs Chadwick

School Car Park

Please could we politely request that people show due care to other car park users when using the school car park. On Friday afternoon a parents’ car was hit by another car causing several hundred pounds worth of damage.  If the school car park is busy, there is always ample room at the village hall.

Thank you.

Mrs Johnson

Mrs Thomas’s New Arrival!


Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Thomas and big brother Noah on the safe arrival of Matilda Bluebell Jane who was born on Thursday evening weighing 7lb 13oz. Mum and daughter are home and both doing well.



Cake donations – Halloween Disco

We would very much appreciate donations of cakes and biscuits for the Halloween Disco on Friday 23rd October.

Please leave at reception.

Many thanks



Weekly News 09.10.15

Great Shrewsbury Run

We would like to say a huge well done to all the children for their efforts in the Great Shrewsbury Run today and also for the fantastic amount of money you have all raised for the RDA; we know there is still money to come in next week but so far we have raised over £700!

Between them, the children and staff walked or ran over 600 kilometres today! The children behaved impeccably during the walk, as did the children who went to Prestfelde with Mrs Johnson and ran 35k between them over the lunch-break, and we are very, very proud of you all.


Letters sent home this week:

Class 2 Parents’ Lunch 20th – 23rd October – Class 2

FOBs Christmas Cards letter and card template – all classes

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,
On Wednesday children took home French homework to be brought back to school by Wednesday 14th October.

We have covered most of the words in the activity but they are free to use the Internet or French dictionaries for words the don’t know or can’t remember.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs ChadwicK

Well done to the Choir

Well done to all the choir children who performed at the Harvest Songs of Praise at Bicton Church on Sunday.  It was lovely to see so many families from Bicton School there and Mary-Lou has asked me to pass on her thanks to the children for their wonderful performance.

Mrs Johnson

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,
Tonight children have taken home English homework to be brought back to school by Wednesday 7th October.

Red and Green reading groups will complete the reading comprehension questions about the football report and the remaining groups will complete the questions about the bank robber. I have scanned and attached these.

All children should read and complete only the text level questions in the purple box. I would like them to do this in full sentences on the paper attached.

Please note that in future homework will continue to go out every Wednesday to be returned the following Wednesday.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs Chadwick

Homework 30-9-15