
Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware the school Christmas Dinner is planned for Wednesday 16th December. We have a sheet on the window of the classroom where you can tick to say if you would like your child to have a dinner. If you haven’t done so already, please could you make sure you tick if your child is or isn’t having one as I know the kitchen are needing to do a food order.

If your child goes on the bus then please write a note in your child’s home-school link book to let us know or contact the school.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt


Weekly News 27.11.15

Governor Visit

Today, some of our governors spent the morning in school and they visited each class after joining us for our medals assembly. The children really enjoyed talking about what they were learning and sharing their work.  On behalf of all the staff and children, we would like to say thank you to Shirley, Francesca and Mary-Lou for their time and we are looking forward to our governors visiting again on next year’s Governor Visit Day.


Please can Year 5 and 6 children remember to bring their bike and helmet to school next week.  The children have been told which days they will be taking part in the training and may leave their bike and helmet at school overnight if they wish.  Just to remind them that they will need to dress in clothing appropriate for the weather i.e. waterproof coat, school t-shirt/shirt and sweatshirt with trousers/ leggings/jogging bottoms and suitable footwear. If they have waterproof trousers it might be a good idea to bring those and they may also wish to bring gloves and also a spare pair of socks in case their feet get wet!

Car Park

As in previous requests, please can we stress again that the disabled spaces on the school car park should only be used by drivers with a disabled parking permit/badge. Could we also remind drivers dropping children off at Breakfast Club that they should drive out of the car park at an appropriate speed to safeguard pedestrians and other drivers. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Christmas Baubles

If children are decorating the bauble they brought home last week, as part of the Coop competition, please can they return the bauble to school by Friday 4th December.

Letters home this week:

Choir events – all choir children

U10s football – 9 children involved

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson and staff



Class 2 Tennis

Just a reminder that class 2 have tennis lessons every Friday morning. Please could you ensure that all children have a warm PE kit in school (jogging bottoms, jumpers, etc) and outdoor shoes. If the weather is dry the children will be outside.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Cancelled Clubs – December

Please note there will be NO CLUBS on Wednesday 16th December, Thursday 17th December and Friday 18th December due to Nativity (Class 1, 2 and 3) and Choir (Class 4 and 5)  performances at the Church during the evenings.

Class 3 Targets

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have sent home each child’s maths and literacy target today. These are things that we will be working on in school but are also things for you to focus on with your child at home.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s target please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – due Friday 27th November

I have asked the children to write a diary as though they are a sea explorer this week. I have recently given out their targets and these should’ve come home with your child today – I would like them to focus on their target when they are completing this activity.

T-T-5553-Sea-Explorer-Diary-Writing-Frames – Armstrong group (This group are only expected to do Day 1 but can do more if they wish).

T-T-5553A-Sea-Explorer-Diary-Writing-Frames-with-Story-Starters Cook, Scott, Columbus and Fiennes (these groups are only expected to do Day 1 & 2 but can do more if they wish).

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tonight children have taken home English homework. There are a variety of activities on the worksheet where children have to think about selecting the most appropriate adjectives.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick

Class 3 Homework – due Friday 13th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week in maths we have moved onto multiplication and we will be focusing on this (as well as division) for the next few weeks. I would really appreciate it if you could help your child to learn their times tables as much as possible. These are the requirements set out by the National Curriculum for each year group (this is the expectation by the end of the year so please don’t panic)!

Year 2: Need to know and recall facts from their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Year 3: As for Year 2 and to know and recall facts from their 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

I would suggest that you begin by counting up in the number of the table you are focusing on, then move on to recall the x facts in order, then to recalling them out of order and finally to recall the related division facts as well.

It is important for children to know and recall their multiplication facts as this will help them in many other areas of maths. However, we do also place a big emphasis on the depth of the children’s understanding and ensuring they understand what they are doing when they multiply a number and can explain it verbally and in pictures and arrays.

With this in mind, your child has brought home a piece of multiplication homework this week. It will either be a selection of multiplication questions or worded problems. Whichever activity they have brought home it is important that they can explain how they have done it and how they know their answers are right. This can be done through them using equipment, drawing pictures/arrays as well as verbally explaining their work.

If you have any questions about this homework or their maths work in general then please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Year 2 Array work

year 3 Array Work

Word problems

p58_Baking day

Class 2 PE changes

Just a note to say that Class 2 will now have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Friday mornings will now be Tennis taught by Mr Crefield. Please ensure all children have their full PE kits in every week with outdoor footwear.

Thank you

Miss Edwards