Popcorn and PJ’s Movie Night – 29th January

The last day to purchase your tickets for the above night will be Friday 22nd January. They are available from the school office.

Film Club – Tuesday 19 January

Mrs Johnson will be doing Film club in Class 3 for this week only. Please therefore collect your child/children from this classroom and not from the Hall. Thank you.

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term our topic is Extreme Earth. We will be learning about Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Biomes and the physical geography related to these. We have put up a display in the classroom. We would like to add current or recent natural disasters to this from around the world.

We would like children to research an event from the last year and find out what happened and why this may have occurred.

They can present their information on a piece of paper no bigger than A4 to be added to the display.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster


Class One newsletter

Welcome back to all the children in Class One! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break. Thank you very much for the generous gifts we received before Christmas.

The children had a lovely day back yesterday – they all enjoyed telling each other about their festive break and all the exciting things they got up to!

Please find attached a newsletter. A topic web will be uploaded very soon.

Spring Newsletter 2016

Thank you

Mrs Conde, Mrs Bowes

Christmas Fayre Total

Well done to everyone involved in making the Christmas Fayre so successful.  We raised a fantastic £650!  Thank you also to FOBs who raised over £350 from the raffle and the refreshments!  This is a wonderful achievement and the monies raised will benefit all the children in the school.  Thank you again.

Mrs Johnson


Choir at St Chads

Just a reminder about the choir singing at St. Chads this evening – we are due to sing at 4:30pm so please could you ensure your child is there for this time so we can start promptly. We will be singing for half an hour. Children will need to be in their school uniform.

Many thanks,

Miss Barratt

Weekly News 11.12.15

Christmas Fayre – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our Christmas Fayre on Thursday afternoon and see just how busy the children have been over the past few weeks. It was a lovely afternoon for everyone involved.  We will put another post on to let you know how much the event raised, once all the monies have been counted. Thank you all again.


There will be NO CLUBS on Wednesday 6th January, due to a whole-school training session.  Please remember to check the website for which clubs are running when we return to school after Christmas.

Medal Winners 11.12.15


Letters home

Cancellation of Choir event in The Quarry on Saturday 13th – choir children involved

Condover residential visit – Years 3 and 4

Many thanks

Mrs Johnson

Class 1, 2 and 3 Christmas Party

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is our Christmas party next Thursday afternoon (17th December). We would very much appreciate contributions of food for the party, there is a list on Class 2’s window for you to sign to say what you are bringing. If your child goes on the bus then please write in your child’s home-school link book what you will provide. You can bring the food in on the day itself or earlier if appropriate, just hand it to your child’s class teacher or send it in with your child if they go on the bus.

Please could you also ensure that on the day of your party your child brings in their party clothes to change into.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Barratt, Miss Edwards, Mrs Conde & Mrs Bowes.

Nativity costumes

Just a reminder that all costumes need to be in school on Monday so we have chance to check them all and prepare for the Christmas rehearsals.

If anybody has any shepherd costumes (whether your child is a shepherd or not) we would greatly appreciate any contributions.

Thank you for your support

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards