Home learning journey books

Unfortunately the Home Learning Journey books for Reception were missed when filling the book bags ready for home this afternoon. If your child would like to make a collection of pictures, pieces of writing, drawings, photos, leaflets etc from the Easter holiday break, Mrs Conde will hand the books out on the first day back and collect them in later in the week to give your child chance to stick their items in. We will then spend time sharing their books with each other in class. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We hope you all have a lovely Easter!

Class 4 Homework

Over the Easter holidays, we would like the children to write and design their own information leaflet. Please could it be about somewhere that they have visited over the next couple of weeks. They can use many of the organisational features of non-fiction texts that we have covered this year, such as:

  • Headings/Subheadings
  • Paragraphs/Bullet points
  • Diagrams/Pictures/Photographs
  • Captions/Labels
  • Fact boxes

The children could even have a go at using persuasive language that would encourage other people to visit.

Please could homework be returned by the first Wednesday back.

If you have any questions regarding the homework, please do not hesitate to speak to us.

Thank you for your support.

J Chadwick

Midweek News 23.03.16

Celebration Assembly

We look forward to seeing friends and family at our Celebration  Assembly at 9:25 on Thursday morning – hope you can join us!

Condover Final Payment

Please could any monies still outstanding for the Year 3/4 visit to Condover be paid by Thursday 24th at the very latest. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.

Cross Country

Well done to all the children who competed in the area cross country on Tuesday morning at The Corbet School.  The children displayed a fantastic team effort and the boys team came 2nd overall out of the local schools. Thank you to parents who came along to support us.

Cross Country 22.03.16

U11s Football 

Well done also to the Year 5 and 6 boys who played in last week’s Small Schools semi finals at Sundorne.  It was wonderful to see how far the boys have progressed as a team since September and it was only goal difference that resulted in them not making it through to the final. Thank you to mums, dads and grandparents who have supported the boys this year.

Coop Fairtrade Donations

Thank you to the Coop for the Fairtrade products they provided us with for a fantastic display in reception and to Laura for giving up her time to create the display.  We have decided to donate the food items to the Food Bank in Shrewsbury.

Sport Relief Total

Thank you to everyone who sent in a donation for Sport Relief – we’ve sent off £132.70 to the charity today.


Class 4 Homework

Over the past couple of weeks the children have been learning about different units of measure. For homework this week, could they please complete the reading activity, game and quiz on the BBC Bitesize website for KS2 on measures.


If children are not able to access the website at home, they are welcome to use the school laptops at playtimes at the beginning of next week.


Class 4 Homework

In English, we have been learning about the Shaman’s Apprentice and talking about how it makes us feel.
Can you use the thinking questions or cues to discuss a book of your choice with an adult? Write down your thoughts!

I like the bit where…
It reminds me of…
It makes me feel…
I don’t like it when…
I wonder if…
Do you think that…?
I don’t understand…
Have you noticed that?

Grant from Tesco for a Sensory and Wildlife Garden

Please read the attached letter regarding the grant being offered from Tesco for the first phase of the Sensory and Wildlife Garden.

Tesco Grant



Sensory and Wildlife Garden

We are delighted to let you know that we have been awarded a grant for the Sensory and Wildlife Garden. There is voting in 3 Shrewsbury Tesco stores this week to top up the grant and all you need to do is simply collect a token from the till and vote. Thank you in advance for your support.

Sickness absence

Please could we remind all parents and guardians that if your child is sick or has diarrhoea they must not return to school until 48 hours after their last episode of being ill.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Mrs Johnson

Spaghetti Maths

Thank to everyone who was able to attend the Spaghetti Maths assembly this morning or who has spoken to Helen or Lisa in the office about the after-school club.  Children really enjoyed the assembly and have brought a leaflet home this evening explaining how to book a place on the block of 6 sessions.