Class 4 Homework

The children need to investigate two habitats in or around your garden and collect information about these. They then need to investigate two animals that they have found in these habitats.

The worksheets are attached below:

habitat hw

Class 4 Homework

This week children have been learning about co-ordinates. Homework includes some practise and a game that can be played with 2 or more players.

The digit cards referred to in the game will be given out with homework and children can use coloured pencils to mark on the grid rather than counters.

If you need any extra copies, please ask an adult in Class 4.

Homework will be given out after the Maths lesson on Thursday to be returned the following Wednesday.

Thank you.

Mrs Chadwick


no dogs

Please could we remind everyone again that dogs are not allowed on the school premises, particularly the playgrounds, under any circumstances. Thank you.

Thank you!

Class One and Pre-School children had such a lovely time at the space party on Tuesday afternoon. The children had all made a space themed hat and enjoyed doing a little parade to show them off to each other. A game of ‘Musical Aliens’ was played – the children had to pull the funniest alien face when the music stopped playing! Pre-School had made up a little song about zooming to the moon and did really well singing the song to the children of Class One.

Thank you very much to all the parents of Class One and Pre-School children who donated such a lovely range of party food for the children to enjoy. A lot of time and effort had also gone into preparing lots of lovely homemade cakes and biscuits too. Thank you!

Mrs Conde

Class 4 Homework

This term the children have been learning about the Ancient Greeks. They have spent the last 3 weeks reading and writing their own Greek Myths and Legends.

Please could children read the Greek Myth Jason and the Golden Fleece and answer the text level questions in the purple section. They may answer additional sentence and word level questions as an extension but this is optional.

The text and questions are attached below:



Weekly News 6th May

Warm weather

Now that the weather has finally warmed up, children may want to bring a sun-hat (with their name in) to wear at playtimes.  Please could you also check that your child’s sweatshirts/cardigans are named as they often take these off when they are outside and it is not always easy to match up a pile of clothing with the correct owners. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Children may bring sunscreen to school, labelled with their name, but it is preferable that this is applied before they leave home in the morning.  We will remind any children bringing sunscreen to school not to share it with other children in case of allergies.

Dates for the diary

These may not all show on the calendar until Monday but future dates include:

No after-school clubs on Thursday 9th June – FOBs event 3:30 (details to follow)

Sports Day Tuesday 21st June – Classes 1/2/3 9:15 – 11:30  Classes 4/5 1:00 – 3:00

Sports Day reserve date Thursday 23rd June (same arrangements as 21st June)

Celebration Assembly Thursday 21st July (changed from Friday 15th July)

SATs week

Good luck to the Year 6s for their SATs next week; they have worked hard in recent weeks and we know they will all do their best.  Thank you to Year 6 parents and guardians for all the support you have given your child at home this year.

Year 6 reminder

Please could all applications for secondary school transport be returned by Monday.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Class 3 Homework

Class 3 History Homework – Due in Wednesday 3rd May 2016

As part of our History topic we will be looking at the Family Tree of the British Royal Family and I thought it would be nice for children to have a go at creating their own family tree. With this in mind, please could you help your child to gather information about your family. They do not need to create a family tree as we will be doing this in class but it would be helpful for them to know the names of the people in their family and to know how they are related. This can be jotted down on a piece of paper and children can even bring in photographs if they want to but this is by no means essential.

Thank you for your support.

Tapestry Online Learning Journey – Reception, Class One

Information for Reception children in Class One

Please find a link to a document with information on how to access your child’s Tapestry Online Learning Journey. If we have received your email details and the slip attached to the recent letter sent out to you, you will receive an email with a link to follow within the next few days. If you have not yet sent in the slip with your details on, then please do so to enable us to activate your Tapestry account. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask.

Tapestry guide

Thank you,

Mrs Conde

Weekly news 22.04.16

Condover residential

As you can probably tell from the vast array of photos, we had a fantastic time at Condover.  Well done to all the children for their exceptional behaviour and for making the visit so enjoyable for their friends and staff.  Thank you to all the adults who took part – Miss Barratt, Mrs Chadwick, Mrs J and Mrs Walton – and I’m sure they enjoyed the children’s company as much as I did!

Arthog residential

Please remember that the second payment must be paid by Friday 29th April at the latest. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Years 4 and 5 swimming

Years 4 and 5 start their swimming sessions on Wednesday morning at Oswestry.  If you have not yet returned your child’s permission slip and payment, please can this be returned by Tuesday at the very latest. Thank you.

Letters out

Arrows archery at The Corbet – Y5/6 children involved (please return by Monday 25th)

Hope you’ve had a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Class 4 Homework

This week the children have been looking at equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. For homework, we would like the children to practise simplifying using the online game:

The game firstly asks for the highest common factor (the highest number that can divide into the number on the top and bottom of the fraction) and then children need to divide the top and bottom number by the number they have selected to give them the simplified fraction.

When children have done this they can have a go at simplifying fractions on the worksheet using the same method.

Please ask if anything requires further explanation. Children are welcome to use the school computers at break time if they are unable to access the game at home.

Please note, the link to the worksheet also contains the answers (for parents eyes only!!) Yellow group can choose either worksheet to complete.

reduce_fractions blue orange yellow

reduce_fractions yellow green red

Many thanks,

Mrs Chadwick