Christmas Card

Dear parents and guardians,
If you would like your child to take part in the design of your own Christmas card activity and you haven’t yet returned your child’s design to the school office please could you do this no later than FRIDAY 7th of October.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Class 4 Homework

In Maths we have been revising and practising methods for addition and subtraction. This week we have looked at different methods for subtraction, including counting up on a number line and using the more formal column methods. We have also talked about which methods we are more confident with and which methods are more efficient for different types of questions.

Please ensure children complete their homework by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again next Wednesday.

Back to School BBQ this Friday

Dear Parent/Guardian,
4.30pm to 6.30pm

Just a reminder of FOB’s Back to School BBQ on Friday 30th September. Everyone is welcome. The event is free to all and children will enjoy free entertainment.

Fobs will be selling food and a bar will be open in return for donations. Food will consist of burgers and hotdogs, salad bar and cakes (vegetarian options will be available). The bar will sell light refreshment, beer and wine (all money raised will go towards new equipment for the school).

We are looking forward to seeing as many families and guardians as possible and to having a lovely social evening where the children will be able to have lots of fun and enjoy lots of different entertainment such as games, zumba and sports.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.


PS: Please bring your picnic blanket or chair.

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

In English we have been looking at different types of clauses within sentences, including relative and embedded clauses.

We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can complete the activity independently or with your support and choose which questions they would like to do.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Please ensure homework is returned by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Bicton Church Harvest Service

The choir have been invited to sing at the Harvest Service at Bicton Church on Sunday 2nd October at 6:30 pm.  Everyone is welcome and we hope to see as many of the choir there as possible.

Maths Game you can play at home

We have been doing lots of work on place value recently.  The children have really enjoyed playing a game called ZAP which involves using their understanding of place value to help them take away.

I thought I would put an overview on here in case you wanted to play it with your child at home. It is a game that you can play with paper or with a calculator.


If your child is in Year 3 they must work with 3 digit numbers.

If your child is in Year 4, they must work with 4 digit numbers.


Give your child a number (make sure all the digits are different) – e.g. 432.

Tell them which number you would like them to ZAP (by zapping a number you are making it go to 0) – e.g. the 3.

Ask your child to write a take away sum to show what they have done (or type it into the calculator if playing the game that way) – e.g. 432 – 30 = 402


An extension is to ask your child to ZAP 2 numbers, e.g. ZAP the 4 and the 3.

They may write different number sentences for this, e.g.

432 – 400 – 30 = 2 or 432 – 430 = 2


Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at classic fiction in English. We have read extracts from The Jungle Book and some of the Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling.

We are sending out homework tonight on the subject of classic fiction that is set according to children’s end of year expectations. We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can read the text independently or with your support and then choose which questions they would like to do.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Homework this year will be sent home in a homework book on a Wednesday and should be returned to school by the following Monday. This is so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Class 4 – Walk Around Bicton – 15th September 2016

Please can you return permission slips by tomorrow morning.

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week we have been looking at number and place value in Maths.

We are sending out homework tonight on this subject that is set according to children’s end of year expectations. We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can choose which questions they would like to do, independently or with your support, that will consolidate the work that we have been doing in class.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Homework this year will be sent home in a homework book on a Wednesday and should be returned to school by the following Monday. This is so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Class 3 Weekly Update

We have had a great week in Class 3 and the children are settling back in well. Here is a brief overview of what we have been doing in English and Maths.

English – We have been doing some work for display to make our classroom look lovely! The children have written about their summer holiday and have completed a book review on their favourite book. Next week we will begin our work on Roald Dahl.

Maths – We have been revising what we already know about place value. The children created their own ‘Place Value Museums’ for me where they used equipment, pictures and number sentences to explain what numbers are made up of, e.g. 10 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 34, 30 + 4 = 34, 20 + 14 = 34 etc. We have been revising how to look at numbers in 10s and 1s and next week will progress onto 3 and 4 digit numbers. We have also done some problem solving using our knowledge of place value to help us.

Spelling – We have done some revision on the rules for adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’. We will continue to revise this next week. Please bear in mind that the first few weeks spelling often consists of revising spelling rules and patterns already taught and it may take some time to ensure your child has been put in the appropriate spelling group. Therefore your child may change groups over the next few weeks but assessment will be used within school to decide this. We always stress to the children that it is not just about getting all your spellings right on a Friday, but it is about getting them right in your independent work everyday.

PE – The children had their first outdoor PE lesson today which they really enjoyed. Please can you ensure the appropriate kit is always in school, particularly on a Tuesday and Friday. Indoor and outdoor kit is necessary as well as trainers.

Homework – The children have been given geography homework this week due in for next Friday. Please see the link below for details.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Barratt