Safety alert

Following the attempted abduction last week, we received the following email this afternoon (Thursday) from the Local Authority:

Further to the incident that occurred in the Weston Rhyn area last week, a similar suspicious incident occurred in Oswestry on Tuesday this week.  

Our advice to schools is the same and our Crime Prevention Officer suggests some stranger-danger guidance in assemblies and to consider informing parents and advise pupils and students not to walk to/from school alone.

We would like to assure parents and guardians that we have spoken to all children about stranger awareness and keeping themselves safe but if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

Mrs Johnson

Food Bank Donations – Reminder

The co-op will be collecting the donations we have made to the Barnabus Food Bank this Friday morning. The box will be in Reception until then if you wish to make any donations.


Class 4 Homework

This term, the children have been looking at biographies and autobiographies. We have read extracts from Boy and Going Solo by Roald Dahl, and Singing for Mrs Pettigrew by Michael Morpurgo.

Over the holidays, we would like children to write a biography on a person of their choice. It can be a family member, a pop star, an actor or a sports personality.

Please can homework be completed in children’s homework books and be returned to school by the first day back after the holidays.

Thank you for your support.

Operation Christmas Child – Shoeboxes

We are taking part in the Shoebox Appeal again this year and children will be bringing home a leaflet with all the information this week. This is completely voluntary but in previous years we have always found that the children are keen to take part. Filled shoeboxes can be left at the main office and need to be returned to school by Monday 14th November. Thank you in advance for your support.


Class 4 Homework

Today we have sent home part of a text that we have been reading online called Cosmo Mars. Please could the children finish reading Chapter 3 and then all of Chapter 4, A Distressing Letter, before Monday next week.

Thank you

Halloween Disco -21st October – Cake donations

FOBS will be very grateful for any cake donations for the Halloween Disco.  Donations can be left on Reception.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for your continued support.

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 14th October

Dear Parents/Carers,

Class 3 have been set a homework on purplemash this week. Their homework is to create their own Marvellous Medicine and write the instructions of how to make it. This is reinforcing work we have done in class so children will know they need to use time and cause conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs if they can.

Your child has been taught how to use Purplemash this week and has been given their password. If they can not find this please let me know so I can print them another copy. The homework can be completed on laptop or iPad devices. If there is a problem and your child is unable to complete their homework online please let me know so I can supply them with a paper copy.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

FOBS – Thank You

Dear Parents & Carers

FOBS would like to thank everyone who came to the Back to School BBQ.  It was a lovely evening and the children enjoyed all the activities.  With your generosity we raised a fantastic £285 that will go towards new equipment for the school.

We would also like to thank the Co-op for donating food and drinks and Doug, Georgiana and Jack for providing the entertainment.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Next event: Halloween Disco – Friday 21st October 3.30pm – 5.00pm

Reminder – Special Lunch Tomorrow

Special Lunch – Thursday 6th October

Red – Hot dogs

Blue – Fish finger wraps

Served with a choice of ketchup/mayo/BBQ sauce/American mustard

Potato Wedges – Baked Beans – Sweetcorn

Sticky Toffee Muffins – Yoghurts – Fresh Fruit Salad