Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a new piece of homework today of a reading comprehension.  This homework is set according to the end of the year expectations for your child’s year group.

Thank you for encouraging your children to bring their homework back so promptly.  The new homework will be due in on Monday 21st November.

Many thanks.

Miss Carr

Christmas Card Design

Dear parents/carers

If you would like to place an order for your child’s Christmas card design and you haven’t done it yet, could you please bring the order form and money no later than tomorrow Friday 11/11.

Many thanks


Class 4 Homework

Good afternoon,

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today, based on our work in class on rounding numbers, and using rounding to estimate calculations.

The homework is set according to the end of year expectations for your child’s year group.

Please bring completed homework back in on Monday 14th November, so that it can be marked and new homework set to go home on Wednesday.

Thank you,

Miss Carr

Sickness Reminder

Children should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea, to prevent the spread of infection. Thank you.


Please could we ask all parents/guardians again not to park on Bicton Lane.  Furthermore, parking on the pavement causes an obstruction and can endanger the lives of pedestrians and other motorists.

Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Class 4 Homework

In English we have been practising the correct use of commas in sentences.  We have also been looking at main clauses and subordinate clauses.

We are sending out homework today that is based on the end of year expectations for your child’s year group.

Please ensure children complete their homework by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again next Wednesday.

Thank you.

Bag2School – 15th November

Please start collecting any unwanted clothes or textiles (clean but in any condition). You will be provided with a Bag2School plastic bag (bin liners are fine too) and they will be collected from school on the morning of Tuesday 15th November.

This is an excellent way we can raise funds for school whilst educating the children on the importance of recycling.

They accept the following items;
Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Handbags, ties, belts, hats and soft toys

They will not accept;
Duvets, bedding, household linen
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (inc. bath, shower and toilet mats)
School uniform
Corporate clothing and work wear
Shredded or mutilated textile material
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

Further information can be found at


Class 2 update


In English this week we have been looking at animal poems. We started the week reading nursery rhymes about animals that we have already heard of e.g. Pussycat Pussycat, Hey Diddle Diddle and Mary had a little lamb. The children have enjoyed looking at nonsense poems e.g. On the Ning Nang Nong and have had the courage to perform a chosen poem in front of the class with actions. Year 2 have been challenged to write their own versions of poems we have been looking at.


Year 1 children have been learning to add and subtract using a number line this week, they have also used equipment to check their answers carefully.

Year 2 have moved onto division, starting off the week using equipment to work out division problems and then moving on to drawing pictures to work their answers out.


Year 1 have looked at phonemes ‘oo’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’.

Year 2 have been learning about words ending with a ‘y’ and how the letter ‘a’ represents the ‘or’ sound in some words e.g. ‘walk’.


We have continued to look at habitats and linked Science this week with our topic and looked at the Polar Regions. We discussed what organisms can be found in the Arctic and Antarctic.


The children have made leaflets to persuade visitors to go on a Polar Bear experience in a place called Churchill.

Purple Mash

I have shown the children their half term homework on Purple Mash and explained their task. I would like the children to complete a postcard, pretending that they have visited the Polar Regions and tell me what it is like there. There are prompts available around the postcard to help. I would like the children to submit their homework to me by Friday 4th November. If you have trouble accessing this or would prefer your child to complete a paper copy please let me know on the first day back (Tuesday 1st November).


Spellings to be tested 4.11.16


Have a great half term holiday!

Miss Edwards