
Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have not been set spellings this week as next week is very busy with other things going on.

I have told the children that as their homework (this week and over Christmas) I would like them to work really hard on learning their times tables.

Year 3 children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3.

Year 4 children need to know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

I have told children not to overwhelm themselves but to focus on one times table a week to really try to get to grips with.

Thank you for your support with this,

Miss Barratt

Christmas Jumper/Festive Outfit Day

Christmas Jumper/Festive Outfit Day

On Friday 9th December, all children (and staff!) are invited to come to School wearing a Christmas jumper or festive outfit.  This is not a fundraising event simply an end-of-term treat for everyone’s hard work this term. We may even have a special visitor during the day!

Condover Residential Trip

Condover Forms

The medical/dietary forms for the Year 3/4 visit to Condover need to be returned by Wednesday, 14th December, as Condover Hall require the information before we break up for Christmas.

Christmas Raffle

The prizes for our Christmas Raffle are almost ready! Come to the school office and have a look at the prizes which are on display.
If you wish to make any donations, please bring them to the school office before Friday 9th December so we can put the hampers together.
Also, don’t forget to bring your stubs back to school by this Friday.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Weekly News 02.12.16

Choir Events

The choir have several events coming up over the next couple of weeks.  Please can the permission letter be returned on Monday, if not already returned.  Parents are welcome to come and watch the choir perform at the Co-op on Tuesday morning from 10:30.

Condover Forms

The medical/dietary forms for the Year 3/4 visit to Condover need to be returned as soon as possible please, as we need to provide Condover Hall with the information.


Following this week’s visit from the Shropshire Council Education Welfare Officer, please could we remind all parents/guardians that children must be in school by 8:55. Persistent late arrival may result in parents/guardians being contacted by the EWO.

Christmas Jumper/Festive Outfit Day

On Friday 9th December, all children (and staff!) are invited to come to School wearing a Christmas jumper or festive outfit.  This is not a fundraising event simply an end-of-term treat for everyone’s hard work this term. We may even have a special visitor during the day!

FOBs Film Night

A huge thank you to the FOBs ladies for arranging another fantastic film night.  Thank you also to the dads who helped set up the equipment in the afternoon.

Joseph Tickets

Tickets for the KS2 Joseph performances are now on general sale, priced at £3 for adults and £2 for children. If you are unable to get into School, please send money in with your child in a sealed envelope marked clearly with your name, the number of tickets required and for which evening.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Christmas Baubles

Following last year’s success, we have been asked by the Co op to decorate some Christmas baubles, which will be displayed at the Co op.  These will be given out on Tuesday 29th November and need to be returned by Monday  Morning, 5th December,  at the latest.

Image result for christmas bauble

Please ensure all baubles are clearly marked with you child’s name and class.




Joseph Tickets

Following last Friday’s email, just a reminder about how the tickets are being allocated for the Joseph performance.

  • To make sure that all parents have the opportunity to buy tickets, only 2 tickets may be purchased per family until Friday 2nd.
  • Once all parents have purchased tickets (or we have been informed that parents do not intend to watch the performance) all remaining tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

The School office have a record of all tickets purchased so if they find that all families have purchased tickets before Friday 2nd, the remaining tickets will be available to purchase and this will be posted on the website and advertised at the main entrance.

Kind regards

Mrs Johnson

Christmas Movie Night

Dear Parents/Carers,
Tickets for the Christmas movie night on Friday 2nd December can be purchased from the school office until tomorrow Wednesday 23rd of November. We  are unable to sell tickets on the door for this event.
Thank you for your continued support.

Nativity costumes – updated

The children will be bringing home a letter this afternoon with the roles they are doing for this year’s Nativity.

If you would  like to provide/donate a costume for our Nativity we would be very grateful.

Items requested need to be in school by the 7th of December, in a bag with your child’s name on.  class-1-costume-letter