School photos – New Date – 7th July 2021

We have re-scheduled a new date with the school photographer –  Wednesday 7th July (AM).

Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to allow younger/older siblings, who do not attend either Bicton School or Nursery.    There is no need to bring your child earlier than normal if they already attend school or nursery, as staff will take them to the Hall to have their photos taken.        All children will have their photographs taken, individually and in their class groups, unless you tell us otherwise.

Krispy Kreme sale – SOLD OUT

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know that doughnuts will not be on general sale on Friday and it will just be collection of pre-orders placed up to Monday afternoon. Thank you for the great response and a huge thank you to FOBS for arranging yet another brilliant fundraiser!

Mrs Johnson x

Year 6 Leaver Hoodies

The offer to purchase a Leavers Hoodie is now available to you on sQuid. Please place your order and advise the colour and size required on sQuid by Monday 14th June. Thank you.

Weekly News 28.05.21

Hi everyone,

Well, we’ve come to the end of half-term. I don’t know about you, but it has seemed like the longest half term in history! That said, our children have been amazing and never cease to amaze us with their resilience and thirst for learning.

Today, I had the huge pleasure of visiting Maple’s and Rowan’s French cafe and it made us all feel as though we are getting back to some sort of normality. Thank you for going to so much effort with their costumes, especially the moustaches!

It will feel even more like old times when we visit Arthog, albeit only for the day, with Oak Class after half term. Oak parents – please see a letter below that has been sent home today with details about Arthog.

Arthog Day Visit Letter – May 2021

Thank you from Sue

Sue was absolutely taken aback today with her cards, presents and people’s kindness. Thank you to everyone who made a donation towards Sue’s present via FOBS PayPal account. We put it towards spa vouchers for her which she is really looking forward to using! We wish Sue lots of luck in her new job.

Year 6 hoodies

An offer has been uploaded to sQuid today for Year 6 hoodies.


On behalf of all our staff and governors, we would like to thank you for your continued support and we hope you all have a good half term. Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Mrs Johnson x

Update on Arthog Visit

Hi everyone,

I spoke to Arthog on Friday and I have some great news!

We can go ahead with a day visit on Friday 11th June which will allow us to enjoy 2 full activities during the day.
A letter will be sent out early next week with more details but I thought you’d like to know now.

We will look for a separate date for a sleepover at school in due course.

Have a good weekend and please share this  message with other Oak parents if you can.

Mrs Johnson


Hello everyone,

Please can we remind all parents and guardians of the steps to take if you or your child are unwell and displaying COVID-19 symptoms.  It is important that everyone follows these rules so that we can keep all of our pupils, staff and families safe.

If you or your child have a high temperture or a peristent cough or a loss of taste or smell, you must not send your child to school and you must book a PCR test. if any member of your family are having a PCR test, all members of the household must remain at home until the test result comes back.

If you or your child have one of the other symptoms below, we ask that you also book a test and we thank you in advance for doing so. We know that many families are using the lateral flow tests but these are intended for use where there are no symptoms.

Please also read the symptoms flow chart below of the steps to take once the test result comes back.

COVID-19 symptoms flow chart

Many thanks for your support.

Mrs Johnson