Class 1 round up

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at the trigraph air – ‘That’s not fair’  and the digraph ir – ‘whirl and twirl’

air         ir

Some children have started to read Green, Read Write inc books.  These books reinforce the sounds and words that we have covered so far, the children also use them as a basis for their sentence writing.  The children on Green books will bring home a copy of the book to share and practise reading at home.  I will change the book on a weekly basis.

Some children have read short ditties also based on sounds and words they have covered so far, each ditty will be added into the plastic wallet that is in your child’s book bag, so they can share and practise it at home.

All children have completed word time activities, where they have to build up words using the sounds taught.

Reading and Writing

The children have written shopping lists and recipes to help Mr Wolf make his pancakes!

Lots of children have chosen to write their own stories in their busy books, it is so wonderful to see the children choosing write during child initiated time.


We started the week by watching –

This week the children have concentrated on finding number facts related to the number 9.  They looked at how 8 add 1 more equals 0 and 8 is one less than 9.  The children then explored the parts of 9 practically and used the sentence – 9 is the whole, 8 is a part and 1 is a part, 8 add 1 equals 9 etc.

The children found the addition and subtraction facts for 9 with the help of counting Caterpillar.  Sometimes Counting Caterpillar makes mistakes by having the wrong amounts and the children in class 1 are very good at explaining what he needs to do and why his maths sentence is wrong.


Read Write inc

This week we looked at the digraph – ‘oo’ – Look at a book and the digraph ‘ar’ – start the car.

oo short


We have continued to read Ditties and do Word time activities linked to Set 1 sounds.  Most children have written independent sentences based on the ditties they have read or sentences based on word time words.  We have also looked at tricky red words – of, my, the, I, to

Here are links to all the word time activities to go with Set 1 sounds.










set 1 sounds and words – Set-1-Sounds-PowerPoint       green words 1

set 2 sounds and words – set_2_sounds      green words 2

Red Words (non decodable) – red words


Class 1 weekly roundup

This week the children have continued to use the Gingerbread Man story as a basis for their maths work.

This week we have focussed on the number 6, the children have found different ways to partition 6 objects and then recalled the corresponding addition and subtraction facts.


The children have revised all the sounds taught so far and our new sound this week was: ‘ee’ – What can you see?


The children have also been busy writing short sentences and some children have begun to independently write their own sentences and read them back.

Class 1 update

What a busy week Class 1 have had.  The children have been very busy rehearsing for our EYFS Nativity, we have practised in our costumes this week and all the children look amazing.  Next week we will be performing to the Whole school, a lovely chance for siblings to see the performance.

In between rehearsals the children have revised all the sounds we have covered so far this term and have looked at the digraph ‘th’ – ‘Down the tower, across the tower,
then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.’    –   th

Here is some guidance on how we teach handwriting in Class 1, we are at stage 1, as the children become more confident with the letter formations we move onto stage 1b. – stage 1 handwrite         stage 1b handwrite

In Maths we started the week with the Number block – ‘Terrible twos’ –

We focused on describing and making  2 groups of 2 .  e.g. ‘I can see two pairs of socks /  I see two lots of feathers / I see 2 twos’   ‘Four is 2 twos’ ‘2 lots of feathers is 4’ etc.   This is early multiplication and the concept is called ‘unitising’ – handling a quantity (in this case 2) as a single unit, so rather than counting 1,2 , the children have started to count in the unit of 2.

The children enjoyed watching Mother Goose, it was lovely to see them all so engaged and joining in with singing / dancing / booing and cheering.


We started the week looking at Numberblocks – ‘The whole of me’

We looked at the whole and parts of a number (early addition and subtraction).The children were encouraged to say ‘If the whole is 3 then 1 is a part and 2 is a part’ etc, as they demonstrated partitioning each number.

Composition of numbers – We looked at how numbers 1 – 5 can split and then recombine – numbers can break and be put back together again.

Conservation of number – a number can be partitioned (split ) in different ways but the whole is always the same.   

The children had to help Counting Caterpillar to make sure he counted correctly and put numbers in the correct place –

Read Write inc phonics

This week the children have continued with word time activities linked to all the sounds we have covered so far.      Word-Time-Book-5

The new sounds this week were ‘w’ and ‘z’.

For ‘w’ we say –  ‘Down, up, down, up the worm’

For ‘z’ we say – ‘Zig-zag-zig, down the zip.’

w    z

Here is a link to the words the children have been segmenting and blending – green words 1   and using to write simple sentences.



Read Write Inc phonics

This week the children have looked at ‘v’ and ‘y’.

For ‘v’ we say – ‘down a wing,up a wing’

For ‘y’ we say – ‘Down a horn, up a horn and under the yak’s head.’

v           y

Each day we do word time activities (segmenting / blending / making CVC words) that link to all the sounds we have covered so far.  Here is a fun game that you may wish to print out and play with your child at home:


Here are all the word time activity booklets that match the sounds covered so far:

Word-Time-Book-1 Word-Time-Book-2 Word-Time-Book-3 Word-Time-Book-4 Word-Time-Book-5

Read Write inc

This week the children have continued to consolidate their knowledge of the sounds covered so far and use them to make and write words in our Word time sessions.   The new sounds covered were – ‘r’ and ‘j’.

For ‘r’ we say – ‘ Down the robot’s buy modafinil 2013 back, then up and curl. ‘

For ‘j’ we say – ‘Down his body, curl and dot.’

r           j

Here are some word time activities linked to what we do in class –   Word-Time-Book-4

For ‘j