Class 1 – Week 1

Class 1 children have had a super first week of school. All the children have settled in really well and we are really proud of them all.

This week has been all about settling into daily Class 1 and school routines and making new friends.  The children were very excited on Wednesday to be put into School Houses and have the chance to meet older children in the same house.


This term Reception children will be concentrating on numbers 1 – 5 and Year One children on numbers up to 10. This week we looked at what 1 is –

and what happens when there is another one.

Year 1 children concentrated on looking at one more and number facts for 2.

Our song for Maths is 1,2,3,4,5


This week the children have looked at ‘m’ – Maisy mountain, mountain.  The children have found objects that begin with sound, found the sound and practised forming the sound.   m

Year 1 children concentrated on Word Time activities – segmenting and blending CVC words.

This Term our Topic is based on Nursery Rhymes. Please find attached an overview of what we will be covering for the term.

one two three four five

Next Week:

Tuesday – Forest School Session 1 of 6  (Children to come to school ready)

Wednesday – PE – Balance Bike Session 1 of 6.   It would be useful if you could put a pair of jogging pants / long leggings into your child’s PE bag.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂


Class 1 round up

Read Write inc:

This week the children have revised the trigraph ear – ‘Hear with  your ear’ and looked at the trigraph –  ure – ‘sure it’s pure’

ear            ure

Over the week the class revise words containing sounds from all the sets that we have covered:

green words 1           green words 2         green words 3



The Class have continued to explore teen numbers, this week they have concentrated on 16, 17 and 18.  The children have used a variety of resources to support their learning including: numicon, unifix and 20 frames (plus counters).  The children are getting very good at explaining how they make these numbers and been able to explain to an adult or their friend what they know and how they know.

‘This is 16, because I have one 10 numicon and a 6 numicon.  10 add 6 is 16.’

The children have also displayed their number bond knowledge –  ‘this is 16 because I gave one 10 numicon,  4 numicon and a 2 numicon, 4 and 2 make 6, 10 and 6 is 16!’

One child told me, he had a “ magic crew” and in his crew there are numbers 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 number blocks. “ look what happens when we join them together.”

He added the number 5 and 4 numberblock. “This makes 9”
Then he  added the 3 “ this makes 12”
“ 2 more make 14 and 1 more is 15.”


Class 1 weekly roundup

Class 1 have had a busy couple of weeks since they came back from the half term holiday.

Read Write Inc:

The children have looked at:  ew – ‘Chew the Stew’, ire – ‘Fire, Fire’ and ear – :What can you hear?’

ew         ire        ear


Over the last 2 weeks Class 1 have concentrated on two digit numbers and looked closely at tens and ones (early place value).  We have had hands-on lessons using our tens and ones.  The children have used the language of ‘One ten and 3 ones make 13’ and have had to prove how they know this.  Some examples have included :

‘I know it is 13 because because there are 3 ones and one 10. 13 is one more than 12.  I know there are 10 (on the 20 frame) and 3 ones underneath.  It’s not 14 because there are only 3 ones.’   So far we have looked at numbers up to 15.




Class 1 weekly roundup

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at ‘ow’ – brown cow and ‘ai’ – snail in the rain.

ow         ai


This week we have talked about the setting of our story – ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and thought about where else it could be set and different ways Max could travel to get there.

The children chose a Wild Thing from the story to  describe and then created their own Wild Thing and wrote about them.



We started the week watching –

We revised 2 d shapes and sorted them The children also looked at other objects in the class room and decided on different sorting criteria.



Class 1 Weekly round up

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at the digraphs – ‘ur’ – Nurse with a purse and ‘er’ – a better letter.


The children have completed word time activities and written sentences using words that contains these sounds.


We have continued with our Class Story – ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ .  As a whole class and then in small groups the children have acted like the Wild Things,, sounded like the Wild Things and used words to describe the Wild Things.


This week we have concentrated on adding and subtracting 2 from 1 digit numbers.

The children used the following sentences to describe their calculations –   ‘8 is the whole: 2 is a part and 6 is a part and 8 is the whole’  (with actions)

‘8 minus 2 is 6’ ‘2 taken from 8 is 6’

‘2 add 4 is 6’, ‘4 add 2 is 6’

Class 1 Weekly round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have focussed on ‘u-e’ – You huge brute and  ‘are’ – Care and Share .

u-e           are

The class have revised all the sounds covered so far and have played word time games and written sentences linked to this week’s sounds.


The Class have listened to and acted out parts of the story ‘Where the Wild things are.’  This will be the class focus story over the next few weeks.



This week the children revised doubles  finding half of an amount.  The children used equal sharing to find half of amounts to 10. We then looked at odd and even numbers to and the children found ways to prove whether each number/amount was odd or even.


We will be visiting Attingham Park on the 6th of June, your child should have brought a letter home with all the details on it.

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have looked at the spilt digraph ‘o-e’  – Phone home and ‘aw’ – Yawn at Dawn.

o-e       aw


The children have been busy acting out and composing stories based on Jack and the Beanstalk.


This week we have looked at doubles to 5 and halves for numbers to 10.   The children have enjoyed sharing out sets of Easter Eggs between 2 children.

Understanding the World

The children have enjoyed watching their own beanstalks grow.  They have found out that a bean seed without water will not grow, a bean seed with water but no light will grow, but not as well as the bean seed that had water and light.

The children have taken their bean plants home.  We would love to see how well they continue grow, so do please keep us updated by posting on Tapestry.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Mrs Bowes, Miss SIbley and Mrs Whitfield


Class 1 round up

Read Write inc 

This week the children have looked at split diagraphs – i-e – Nice Smile and o-e – Phone Home.

i-e               o-e


The children have continued to look at measures, they have found all sorts of ways to measure various objects!   They also found out that the tallest children don’t always have the smallest feet.


Class 1 round up

Read Write inc, Phonics

The children have looked at ‘ea’ – a cup of tea, ‘oi’ – spoil the boy and ‘a-e’ – make a cake.   We discussed what a spilt digraph is – special friends that need to split up but still hold hands behind their backs.

ea      oi      a-e


Our story this week and for the next few weeks is Jack and the Beanstalk.  The children have focussed on how the story develops and how the characters are feeling.

The children have planted their own ‘magic’ beans and have discussed what a ‘bean’ needs to be able to grew healthily.  We have set up an experiment to see what happens if a bean has sun but no water, no sun and water, sun and water.  The children have made predictions about what they think will happen.


This week we have concentrated on measures, comparing height and length.  A beanstalk appeared in  the classroom and the children needed to work out how to measure it.  They came up with lots of different ideas – ‘measure it with cubes, then count how many’, pencils, feet, hands etc.  They discovered that Jack’s footprints are smaller than the Giant’s feet, so he had a higher number.

We have been very busy practising our class celebration song and the children are all looking forward to performing it next Friday morning.

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have looked at the digraph – ‘ou’, Shout it out.


They have continued to do word time activities looked to all the sounds covered so far. Some children have written sentences based on short Dittys that they have read as a group and some children have done sentence writing based on the Green Book story ‘The Spell’.


As a class we are reading ‘Room on a Broom’, the children have enjoyed joining in with the story and spotting the rhyming words.  The home corner has been turned into a potion making area.  We will continue with this story next week and the children will focus on character descriptions and writing potion recipes.


This week the children have looked at ’10’.  At the beginning of the week the children explored how 9 add 1 is 10.  10 ones are the same as one 10 / one 10 is the same as 10 ones.

We linked 10 to our class story and decided that the witch needed 10 ingredients to make a new broom.  The children explored how many more ingredients the witch needed in her cauldron to make 10 –

‘she needs 5 more because 5 add 5 equals 10’ – Benji

‘we can also say double 5 makes 10’ – Theo

‘I know she needs need 4 more because 10 takeaway 6 leaves 4’ – Lorcan

‘She needs one more ingredient because she only has 9, 9 add 1 ,more equals 10’ – Holly