Read Write inc phonics

Over the last 2 weeks the children have looked at:

‘n’ – Down Nobby and over the net.       n

‘p’ Down the plait, up and over the pirates face.      p

‘g’  Round the girls face, down her hair and give her a curl.      g

Reception children have orally segmented and blended CV  and CVC words that can be made with all the sounds we have covered so far  (m a s d t i n p g)

as, at, in

mat, mad, sad, Sam, tin, pin, sat, pat, pit, pad, dad, dig    etc

Year 1 children have put these words into sentences and recorded some.  Year 1 children have also completed word and sentence level work based on the ditties ‘Let’s Run’ and  ‘A fun hat’.

All children have practised handwriting each sound covered.

Resources request

Class 1 are looking for donations of wallpaper rolls, if you have any left over we would love if it can be donated to the class.

Other items we would love donated:

empty kitchen rolls

empty wrapping paper rolls

shoe boxes

pringle or similar tubes

old cards

milk bottle plastic lids


old sheets / blankets

clothes horse

Thank you

Forest School week 4 and 5

The children have been having so much fun in their Forest School sessions, we have decided to continue the after half term.  Please ensure your child has suitable outer clothes (ones you don’t mind them getting dirty), that are waterproof and warm.

Miss Polly

This week our Class Nursery rhyme is ‘Miss Polly’.  Class 1 have started to learn the rhyme and have been busy looking after the babies in class!


Read Write inc

So far this term the children have covered the following sounds:

‘m’ – Down Maisie then over the two mountains. Maisie, mountain, mountain.     m

‘a’ – around the apple and down the leaf    a

‘s’ – slither down the snake   s

‘d’ – Round the dinosaur’s back, up his neck and down to his feet      d

‘t’ – down the tower and across the tower    t

‘i’ – Down the insects body, dot for the head    i

For more information about how we teach phonics and how to support your child at home –

Year 1 children have focused on word time activities appropriate to their stage.