Final Forest School Session

The children have enjoyed their last Forest School session this term.

Read, Write Inc update

These are the letters we have covered so far this term.  Please feel free to save and print them out for home use.

There is also plenty of information for parents and a link to buy a set 1 pack which includes the letter flash cards.

Spring Term 1 2020:

ch      qu    x    ng    nk    ay  ee    igh  ow   oo long    oo short   ar    or



The children will continue to work on segmenting and blending words made by the sounds covered so far.  Children who are not yet secure with the Set 1 sounds, will take part in small focus groups to revisit those sounds.

Autumn term 2:

f    e   l    h   sh    r    j      

v   y   w     th    z

Autumn Term 1:

m   a    s    t    d    i    n   p    g    o    c    k     u    b


As we work through the letters the children segment and blend  CVC words using the sounds covered –

green words 1

and play word time games – Word-Time-Book-1




There are plenty of interactive phonics online that can support your child with their learning:

Teach your Monster to read is free for laptops and we are beginning to use it in class:


Flu Immunisation – Thursday 24th October

There are still a number of Flu Immunisation consent forms outstanding. We need the forms to be returned whether you would like your child to have the immunisation on Thursday or not. There are spare copies at the school office if your have not received one or it has been misplaced. Thank you.


Over the half term we have covered numbers 1 – 5.  For each number we have looked at how many, counted objects, compared numbers using the language  – bigger, smaller, ordered the numbers,  found one more and one less, identified missing numbers in a line up of 0-5, looked at shapes – linked triangle to 3, square and rectangle  linked to to 4, subitised with amounts to 5 (daily).

What is subitising?

This week the children have looked at:
• Different ways of arranging blocks to 5
• Conservation of number – different arrangement of blocks but the number remains the same

Year 1: Partitioning a whole number into parts
• Conservation of number – a number can be partitioned but the whole
(total) remains the same.

The Year 1 children have investigated the parts  of numbers to 5 and recorded numbers sentences to show what the understand and have found out.

We have used the rhymes – 5 Little Ducks, 5 Speckled Frogs and 5 Apples on a tree to help with the idea that the number stays the same – There are 5 ducks altogether, 2 are in the pond and 3 have gone over the hill etc.

Read Write inc

This week the children have looked at :

‘o’ – All around the orange.      o

‘c’ – Curl around the caterpillar     c

Fred the Frog puppet plays an important role in our Read Write Inc lessons. Fred is only able to speak in sounds, not whole words. We call this Fred Talk.  For example, Fred  would say m-a – t we would say mat. Fred talk helps children read unfamiliar words by pronouncing each sound in the word  one at a time. Children can start blending sounds into words as soon as they know a small group of letters well. During lessons children are taught to hear sounds and  blend them together in sequence to make a word. We start with blending oral sounds, then progress to reading the letters and blending them together to read the word.
The following video is an example of blending sounds with Fred.

Order of teaching sounds
In Read Write Inc phonics the individual sounds are called ‘speed sounds’ –
because we want your child to read them effortlessly. Set 1 sounds are the initial
letter sounds. They are taught in the following order.
m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk

Word time Lessons
As soon as children have learnt a few initial letter sounds they begin to learn to
blend the sounds together to read real words in a Word Time session. Each word
time session involves oral blending of known sounds before they are shown the
words written down on green cards. Children practice Fred talking the words until
they become able to read them on sight. Once children are confident reading the short sentences they are challenged to use their developing phonic knowledge to write a sentence.  There are plenty of opportunities for children to choose to write within the inside and outside class room areas.

Year 1: Word time and Ditty lessons.  The children need to read and write whole sentences linked to the sounds / story.

Forest School


We will be continuing with Forest School sessions next week and after half term