Hi Class 1 Children and Adults,
I hope you have all had a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend and managed to celebrate V.E. Day on Friday. Once again I have been pleased to see all your photos and videos showing what you have been doing. It really does put a big smile on my face when I open Tapestry and see your happy faces. So thank you adults for doing this, you can never post too many. Keep an eye out for Class 1, Gallery 2.
This week our home learning activities are based around the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, you will revisit healthy eating, look at life cycles and investigate symmetry.

A few parents have requested a timetable of when to teach what during the day, so I have put together a rough timetable that you can adopt or adapt to suit your needs. Any feedback is welcome and I am happy to answer questions, just drop me an email – class1@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk
I have put the phonics to later in the morning, as the teaching videos start to be added from 9.30am to 10.45am (depending on which set your child is on). Rosie does all the teaching for you, exactly as I would do in class. If your child has watched all the sound videos, then watch and do the activities for the Spelling Video (there is no need to watch both). A few parents have mentioned it works really well if you play the video through the T.V.
Mrs Bowes x