Class 1 outdoor area

Thank you again to everyone that has donated equipment for Class 1’s outdoor area.

One of our outdoor projects is to make a ‘mud kitchen’. If anyone has any old kitchen utensils they can donate we would be very grateful. We are looking for things like pots, pans, baking and cake trays, plastic/metal bowls, spoons, etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Thomas




Celebration assembly – Class 1

Please can all Class 1 children bring in warm clothes to wear for the celebration assembly on Friday as we are sharing our topic work on Polar regions.  They will need their coat, a hat, scarf and gloves.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Conde

Home link book reminder

Please could you ensure that any messages regarding clubs/picking up time are written in your child’s home link book each day. It is important for us to know if another person is picking your child up at home time and whether your child is attending clubs. If you child is to regulalrly attend a certain club every week, please could you write this in the home link book so that we can update our records. If there are any changes to arrangements, then please also let us know in the home link book.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs L. Conde


Thank you to those children that brought in their shoeboxes last week. If you haven’t already brought one in can you please bring one in tomorrow as we will be doing an art activity with them.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Shoeboxes for Class 1

Can Class 1 children please bring in a shoebox by Thursday for some art work we are doing that day.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Class 1 visit to Park Hall Farm

Just a reminder that Class 1 will be visiting Park Hall Farm tomorrow (Friday).  The children will need to be in school at the usual time and the bus will leave at 9.30am.  They will need to wear their uniform and sensible shoes (trainers will be fine as the weather is dry).  They will also need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag (no glass bottles please).  The children will not need any spending money as we won’t have time to go to the shop as we’ve got a busy day ahead!  We will arrive back at school before 3.15pm.

We’re looking forward to visiting the farm and learning about what happens there.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster and Miss Bellis

Pet photos

Can all children in class 1 please bring in a photo of their pet for this Friday please? If they don’t have a pet they can draw a picture of what pet they would like.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Mr and Mrs Conde’s New Arrival!

Just to let you know that Mrs Conde had a baby girl, Harriet Elizabeth, on Wednesday afternoon weighing 6lb 14 (and a little bit!) Mum and baby are doing really well and went home this afternoon.

We pass on our best wishes and congratulations on behalf of everyone at Bicton School.