Due to the bad weather we have taken the decision to postpone the start of Forest School to the 15th of March. The children will still get the planned 5 sessions as we will continue after the Easter break.
We do however have another treat for the class. This Friday and the following 2 Fridays the children in class 1 will take part in some tennis coaching sessions. We will send your child’s PE kit home with them, so that they can come into school wearing their PE kit on a Friday am. We will continue to have PE on a Monday afternoon, so please send their kit back in on a Monday morning.
Thursday 1st March: World Book Day – come to school dressed as a character
Friday 2nd March: Tennis session 1/3: Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
Friday 9th March: Tennis session 2/3: Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
Thursday 15th March: Forest School Session 1/5: Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots. Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
Friday 16th March: Tennis session 3/3 : Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
Thursday 22nd March: Forest School Session 2/5: Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots. Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
Thursday 29th March: Forest School Session 3/5: Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots. Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.