Dear Parents/Carers,
This week in maths we have moved onto multiplication and we will be focusing on this (as well as division) for the next few weeks. I would really appreciate it if you could help your child to learn their times tables as much as possible. These are the requirements set out by the National Curriculum for each year group (this is the expectation by the end of the year so please don’t panic)!
Year 2: Need to know and recall facts from their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Year 3: As for Year 2 and to know and recall facts from their 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
I would suggest that you begin by counting up in the number of the table you are focusing on, then move on to recall the x facts in order, then to recalling them out of order and finally to recall the related division facts as well.
It is important for children to know and recall their multiplication facts as this will help them in many other areas of maths. However, we do also place a big emphasis on the depth of the children’s understanding and ensuring they understand what they are doing when they multiply a number and can explain it verbally and in pictures and arrays.
With this in mind, your child has brought home a piece of multiplication homework this week. It will either be a selection of multiplication questions or worded problems. Whichever activity they have brought home it is important that they can explain how they have done it and how they know their answers are right. This can be done through them using equipment, drawing pictures/arrays as well as verbally explaining their work.
If you have any questions about this homework or their maths work in general then please do not hesitate to come and see me.
Many Thanks,
Miss Barratt
Year 2 Array work
year 3 Array Work
Word problems
p58_Baking day