Class 3 Christmas Party

Dear Parents/Carers,

This year we will be having our own class Christmas party on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th December. As I am sure you are aware, this is the same day as the school Christmas Lunch so we are not doing a food list as in previous years but would appreciate any contributions of snack type food – biscuits, crisps, popcorn,  which the children can have throughout the afternoon.

The children must come to school in their uniform but can bring party clothes to change into in the afternoon.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into school to ask. I would just like to take the opportunity to say thank you for your continued support throughout this term and have a Happy Christmas.


Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have not been set spellings this week as next week is very busy with other things going on.

I have told the children that as their homework (this week and over Christmas) I would like them to work really hard on learning their times tables.

Year 3 children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3.

Year 4 children need to know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

I have told children not to overwhelm themselves but to focus on one times table a week to really try to get to grips with.

Thank you for your support with this,

Miss Barratt

Condover Residential Trip

Condover Forms

The medical/dietary forms for the Year 3/4 visit to Condover need to be returned by Wednesday, 14th December, as Condover Hall require the information before we break up for Christmas.

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 14th October

Dear Parents/Carers,

Class 3 have been set a homework on purplemash this week. Their homework is to create their own Marvellous Medicine and write the instructions of how to make it. This is reinforcing work we have done in class so children will know they need to use time and cause conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs if they can.

Your child has been taught how to use Purplemash this week and has been given their password. If they can not find this please let me know so I can print them another copy. The homework can be completed on laptop or iPad devices. If there is a problem and your child is unable to complete their homework online please let me know so I can supply them with a paper copy.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Maths Game you can play at home

We have been doing lots of work on place value recently.  The children have really enjoyed playing a game called ZAP which involves using their understanding of place value to help them take away.

I thought I would put an overview on here in case you wanted to play it with your child at home. It is a game that you can play with paper or with a calculator.


If your child is in Year 3 they must work with 3 digit numbers.

If your child is in Year 4, they must work with 4 digit numbers.


Give your child a number (make sure all the digits are different) – e.g. 432.

Tell them which number you would like them to ZAP (by zapping a number you are making it go to 0) – e.g. the 3.

Ask your child to write a take away sum to show what they have done (or type it into the calculator if playing the game that way) – e.g. 432 – 30 = 402


An extension is to ask your child to ZAP 2 numbers, e.g. ZAP the 4 and the 3.

They may write different number sentences for this, e.g.

432 – 400 – 30 = 2 or 432 – 430 = 2


Class 3 Weekly Update

We have had a great week in Class 3 and the children are settling back in well. Here is a brief overview of what we have been doing in English and Maths.

English – We have been doing some work for display to make our classroom look lovely! The children have written about their summer holiday and have completed a book review on their favourite book. Next week we will begin our work on Roald Dahl.

Maths – We have been revising what we already know about place value. The children created their own ‘Place Value Museums’ for me where they used equipment, pictures and number sentences to explain what numbers are made up of, e.g. 10 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 34, 30 + 4 = 34, 20 + 14 = 34 etc. We have been revising how to look at numbers in 10s and 1s and next week will progress onto 3 and 4 digit numbers. We have also done some problem solving using our knowledge of place value to help us.

Spelling – We have done some revision on the rules for adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’. We will continue to revise this next week. Please bear in mind that the first few weeks spelling often consists of revising spelling rules and patterns already taught and it may take some time to ensure your child has been put in the appropriate spelling group. Therefore your child may change groups over the next few weeks but assessment will be used within school to decide this. We always stress to the children that it is not just about getting all your spellings right on a Friday, but it is about getting them right in your independent work everyday.

PE – The children had their first outdoor PE lesson today which they really enjoyed. Please can you ensure the appropriate kit is always in school, particularly on a Tuesday and Friday. Indoor and outdoor kit is necessary as well as trainers.

Homework – The children have been given geography homework this week due in for next Friday. Please see the link below for details.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Barratt


Class 3 Warwick Castle Trip

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just another reminder about our trip tomorrow. Please can you ensure your child brings enough to drink throughout the day as it will be very warm. If you have an ice pack you can put it in your child’s bag to keep things cool.

If you know your child suffers from travel sickness, please could you ensure they have had any medication before coming to school and could you also let a member of staff know if this is the case. We also ask that you do not give your child any food or sweets for the bus journey.

All children must bring a sun hat to wear and have sun cream applied before coming to school.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt


Class 3 Homework

Class 3 History Homework – Due in Wednesday 3rd May 2016

As part of our History topic we will be looking at the Family Tree of the British Royal Family and I thought it would be nice for children to have a go at creating their own family tree. With this in mind, please could you help your child to gather information about your family. They do not need to create a family tree as we will be doing this in class but it would be helpful for them to know the names of the people in their family and to know how they are related. This can be jotted down on a piece of paper and children can even bring in photographs if they want to but this is by no means essential.

Thank you for your support.