Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 12th May

This week I have sent home some maths homework relating to column addition. We are due to revise both column addition and subtraction next week so revision at home will definitely help them with our lessons next week.

Below are copies of the homework should your child loose their sheet. They should remember which one they were given.

Sheet 1 – Column Addition using pictures to develop understanding (no carrying involved).

Picture Column addition (no carrying)

Sheet 2 – Column Addition with numbers (no carrying)

Column addition no carrying

Sheet 3 – Column Addition with numbers (with carrying)

Column addition with carrying

Feel free to support your child as necessary. In class we focus on using the correct place value terminology when using column addition. For example:



We would say 4 add 2, 20 add 40 (or 2 tens add 4 tens), 300 add 500 (or 3 hundreds add 5 hundreds) – this reinforces to the children the place value columns each number is in to deepen their understanding of the method.

If you have any questions please feel free to pop in and ask.
Please can children hand in this homework by Friday 12th May.

Just a side note – some children requested two pieces of homework because they were unsure whether they could remember how to carry or not.  I have allowed them to have two but have made it clear they are not expected to complete both sheets, they can if they want to but they are only expected to complete one. I have explained that they may want to have a go at maybe 3 on the no carrying and if they are confident they can stop and have a go at the carrying sheet.

Years 3 – 6 Research study

Get Involved in a National Research Study!
Our school is taking part in a national research study about child anxiety funded by the National Institute for Health Research.  We are hoping as many families as possible with children in Years 3 – 6 will get involved.  The research team from the University of Reading are really keen for a broad range of families to take part, including those with children who are confident, those who are anxious and those in between.   We are sending home information about the research study, together with some short questionnaires.  You can also find out more about the research, agree to take part and complete the short questionnaires here: 
As a way of saying thank you, the University of Reading will provide our school with £1 for each complete set of returned questionnaires (parent, child, teacher) – so it’d be great to get as many families involved as possible!

Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has come home today with a short poem relating to one of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters. They have been asked to try their best to learn the poem for celebration assembly – this will be their homework for this week. Any support you can give them to help them learn their poem would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your continued to support,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 17th March

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been set some homework on purplemash – it’s a bit different this week as I have set them a game to play. This game will reinforce their understanding of fractions and assess their understanding so far. I have told children that they can play on it as many times as they want to but they must play on it at least once. They choose the level called ‘Pizza Rookie’ – please do not allow them to choose any other level as they will not have covered work relating to those levels.

The children who have recently joined Class 3 have been given their username and password on a laminated card which they need to keep safe. They have also come home with a letter which explains what purplemash is and how to access it.

If for any reason your child is unable to access the purplemash game at home, please could you write a note in their home-link book and I will find some time within school to allow them to complete their homework.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Trip to Chester Reminder – Monday 6th March

Dear Class 3 Parents and Guardians,

As you are aware Class 3 are going to visit The Roman Dewa Museum in Chester on Monday. This is just a reminder of the key details of our trip:

• We will be leaving school after registration and will be returning to school at approximately 3:40pm.

• Children should wear school uniform. The trip will include a Roman Soldier Patrol around Chester so it is important your child wears warm clothing, comfortable shoes and a rain coat, preferably with a hood.

• Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles please). Please can packed lunches be brought in plastic carrier bags so they can be thrown away.

• Children may bring spending money for the shop if they wish which should be in a named envelope or purse/wallet (No more than £5 please).

Both children and staff are really looking forward to the trip and it is going to be a fantastic day for all.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Miss Barratt

Condover – 2nd Payment

Please can we have your 2nd payment by Friday, 17th February 2017, at the latest.


Class 3 Homework

This week the children have been set some maths homework on purple mash (paper copies have been given out to the  children who requested them).

The children need to use the shapes provided and describe their properties in as much detail as they can. Here are some key words to help them with their descriptions:

Regular, Irregular, angles, right angle, obtuse angle, acute angles, sides, equal.

This homework is due in on Friday 3rd February.

Bookworms – Thursday 19th January

Mrs Hughes is unable to do Book Club this week but children are welcome to go to Games and Modelling Club instead.

Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have been set a Christmas Holiday homework on purplemash. They have been asked to write a poem about winter or snow. We have been doing lots of work on poetry over the last few weeks and they are very good at writing poems.

There are prompts on the left hand side of the homework online but I have told the children to ignore these and just focus on:

-Descriptive language

– Repetition

– Structuring and organising their poem correctly

This homework is due in on Friday 6th January. I have provided paper copies for the children who said they needed them.

Also, I have reminded children that they are expected to be learning their times tables each week. It is really important they continue to learn them throughout the year as this will help them in many different areas of  maths. We will begin to do times tables tests next term.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this term, it is very much appreciated. I hope you have a very happy Christmas. See you in the new year!