English: We have continued our work on poetry this week and the children have written some poems similar to the ones they have read. They wrote their own ‘Sounds in the evening’ poem where they described all the different sounds they can hear at night time. We have been revising adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and fronted adverbials through this work and the children have been challenged to use these within their writing,
Maths: We have been doing some work on measurement this week. The children have been measuring in mm, cm and m and have done some work on converting these measurements.
Science: This week we have learned about the pollination process and have had a go at describing and ordering the process.
Geography: We have ended our work on settlements by designing our own settlement and creating a map of it. The children were very good at giving reasons for their positions of the different features and including a key on their map.
This week we have spent some time preparing and practising for celebration assembly and the children had a great day on transition day in Class 4.
Just so you are aware, the children have not been given new spellings for next week due to it being the end of term.
As it is the last week of term next week, please could you ensure your child brings a carrier bag to school as throughout the week we will be sending home children’s work from this year.
Thank you! Enjoy your weekend!