Choir at St Chads

Just a reminder about the choir singing at St. Chads this evening – we are due to sing at 4:30pm so please could you ensure your child is there for this time so we can start promptly. We will be singing for half an hour. Children will need to be in their school uniform.

Many thanks,

Miss Barratt

Well done to the Choir

Well done to all the choir children who performed at the Harvest Songs of Praise at Bicton Church on Sunday.  It was lovely to see so many families from Bicton School there and Mary-Lou has asked me to pass on her thanks to the children for their wonderful performance.

Mrs Johnson

Sports Day Classes 4 & 5

Please could children in Classes 4 & 5 remember to bring their P.E kit to school tomorrow including their trainers and relevant coloured t-shirt.

Please could they also have a hat and drink in school and ensure they have sun cream applied before coming to school if the weather is warm.  We are aiming to start straight after lunch at 1:00.

Many thanks

Class 5 Half-term homework

Following on from our work on biographical writing, you will be pleased to know that you will be writing your autobiography when we come back to school; we know how keen many of you were to talk about your own life!

Use what you learnt when writing a biography, to make your writing interesting, by including memorable events, as well as including general information about your family, hobbies, pets, places you have lived, etc.  You can use the ideas below to help you make notes but you don’t need to write your autobiography in full, as we will be doing this in literacy lessons in school.


Date and place of birth


Home e.g. where you live now or have lived previously




Education – you might want to include nursery or any other schools you might have attended






Main achievements


Memorable incidents or events


Hopes and ambitions – what you would like to do in the future



Class 1 outdoor area

Thank you again to everyone that has donated equipment for Class 1’s outdoor area.

One of our outdoor projects is to make a ‘mud kitchen’. If anyone has any old kitchen utensils they can donate we would be very grateful. We are looking for things like pots, pans, baking and cake trays, plastic/metal bowls, spoons, etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Thomas




Class 5 Celebration Assembly

Please could Class 5 children remember to come to school on Friday wearing their clothes for Celebration Assembly.  They have been asked to wear a  checked or plain shirt, jeans and to bring a cowboy hat if they have one.  They do not need to bring their uniform to change into afterwards but they will still need their PE kit for after lunch.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Father Christmas – Tickets

Santa will be visiting Classes 4 and 5 between 1:00 and 2:00 on Thursday afternoon, before the Christmas Fayre starts, so please can you ensure they bring their yellow ticket with them.



Class 5 Literacy Homework for Tuesday 21st

To mark the end of our work on WarHorse, I would like Class 5 children to create a book review of the novel. They may use the format attached below, which they were all given a paper copy of on Friday, or they can create their own design.

This homework needs to be given in on Tuesday please.  They have not been given spellings to learn this week, as they also have Maths homework to complete for Mr Kelly for Wednesday.

Many thanks.

warhorse book review

Class 5 Literacy Homework

In preparation for our next Literacy unit on poetry, Class 5’s task over the next week is to research one significant (well-known) WW1 poet. Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon and Rupert Brooke are a few suggestions. Think about what you could find out about them e.g. their life, their role before/during/after (if they survived) WW1 and any poems they are famous for.

You can present your research in a format of your choice but it will be going on display so think about presentation.  We will be sharing everyone’s research in class on Monday 20th.