Class 5 Weekly Update


In English we have been creating a piece of writing based on an eyewitness account of somebody who saw the murder of King Duncan in our novel, Macbeth. At the beginning of the week we improvised a piece of drama based on what we thought had actually happened, and then we drafted, edited and improved our own account of the events of that night. We also focused on using commas for clarity in our writing.


In Year 6 this week, we have been learning the formal written methods of long division. We began the week dividing by using factors, and then moved onto long division without remainders, and then with remainders. We also had a go at solving problems using reasoning. Year 5 have had a week problem solving based on inverse operations, rounding, and multistep addition and subtraction problems. They have also been using reasoning to show how their answer has been reached.


This week we continued looking at the evolution and adaptation of plants and animals. The children worked in pairs to create an animal and a plant that were perfectly suited to their given environment. They had to describe the adaptations the creature and plant had made, and some were challenged to explain how their creature contributed to its own environment.


We began our bread-making unit this week. The children completed an in-class survey of different bread types that were used in everyone’s households, and what bread products were most commonly used for. They used the results to inspire a prototype shape design for their own bread roll. We will be testing which shapes will be the most successful next week when we do some salt dough baking.


In R.E this week, we completed our research on the five pillars of Islam. The children are now creating their own five pillars reflecting on those who support them in their everyday life.


In P.E this week, the children learned about counter balance and counter tension which they will be using to create routines next week.

Class 5 Homework

New homework linked to our learning in maths has been sent home today in homework books.

Year 6s will be practising the method of long multiplication, and Year 5s will be applying their learning in addition and subtraction to solving multistep problems.

This homework will be due back by Wednesday 27th September.


New spellings have been set today.  Please encourage your child to read the word aloud, cover it, and then spell it.

I would also like every child to choose four of the spellings to write in sentences.

These spellings will be tested on Friday 29th September.


Class 5 Weekly Update

We have had a very busy week in Class 5 this week!


In English we began the week with our first piece of independent writing; a letter from Lady Macbeth to Macbeth. We then tried a new method of self-assessment, where the children visited ‘editing stations’ around the room, focusing on particular aspects of their work they would like to improve. They then redrafted their work with the edits and improvements in place. Later in the week we did some drama based on Lady Macbeth trying to persuade Macbeth into an evil plan, and the children wrote their own playscripts based on their roleplay. We also looked at using modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility.


The beginning of the week was based on revision of formal methods of addition and subtraction, and using the inverse to check our answers. We then moved onto long multiplication (Year 6), and estimating and approximating answers (Year 5). We finished the week by applying our learning to solving problems using reasoning. The homework this week will be linked to their learning in maths.


This week we looked at the adaptations that animals and plants have made in order to survive extreme environments. We researched our chosen animal, and described all of the adaptations that animal or creature has made.


We discussed all of the services that the internet provides, and how we most commonly use it. The children then designed internet ‘adverts’, persuading people to use the internet.


The children continued learning about Islam this week with Mrs J. They researched the five pillars of Islam in more depth, and held group discussions about their


In P.E the children have continued with netball on Friday afternoon, and continued their gymnastics theme of ‘travelling’ with Mrs J. This week they created and named their own jump and put it into a sequence to travel across the hall.

Oswestry School Maths Morning


Five of our Year 6s were invited to Oswestry School to take part in a fun maths challenge morning.

They all had a brilliant time, and Mrs Roberts said they were a pleasure to take.

Well done Year 6!


Class 5 Weekly Update

We have had another fantastic week in Class 5.


We have continued with our Macbeth novel study.  We began the week dramatising the scene in Macbeth where he meets the witches for the first time.  We then analysed Macbeth’s reaction to the prophesy and the children drafted and then edited and redrafted a letter from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth telling her of the prophesy.  We have also focused on using relative clauses and relative pronouns within sentences.


In maths we have continued our work on place value.  Year 5 have been rounding numbers up to the nearest 100,000 and applying these skills to find solutions to problems using reasoning.  Year 6 have been rounding numbers within 10 million, and also solving problems using reasoning.  We have finished the week solving addition and subtraction problems involving negative numbers, showing our calculation with jumps on a number line if needed.


The children looked at the major landmarks of Ancient Egypt and marked these onto a map, sorting them into physical and human features.


We began our new Evolution and Inheritance topic this week.  The children played a game of Guess Who with their own faces, focusing on describing physical characteristics.  We then defined inherited and environmental characteristics, and the children designed their own cross breed dogs using this information.


This week the children began Gymnastics with Mrs J.  They worked in pairs to create unusual ways of travelling using any part of their body.  Next week they will begin using apparatus to assist them.


The children began their unit on Islam this week.  They took part in a question and answer session with Mrs J using pictures, text and objects to discuss what they already knew, what questions they had, and what they would like to find out.  The children also began looking at the five pillars of Islam, and making some links to Christianity.


Class 5 Weekly Update

We have had a brilliant first week back in Class 5.  The children have all settled back into school very quickly, and have been impressing Mrs J and I with their brilliant attitude to their learning.


We have started our new novel study of Macbeth.  We analysed a description of Macbeth and thought about what sort of person he must be.  We then retold the story of the battle between Norway and Scotland, showing Macbeth as the main character.


We have been working with numbers up to 1 million (Year 5) and 10 million (Year 6) this week.  We have been consolidating our knowledge of place value, reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers represented in different ways.  We have also been applying our reasoning skills to solving problems involving place value.


We started our new topic of Ancient Egypt this week.  We placed Ancient Egypt onto a timeline and talked about other eras that we knew and placed those as well.  The children then researched 6 major events that occurred during Ancient Egyptian times and placed them onto a timeline.


The children have enjoyed their first session with Mr Bebb this week, playing high-five netball.


Homework and spellings have gone home today.  The homework is a reading comprehension which I would like the children to complete independently.  This is due in by Wednesday but if the children are struggling then they can bring it back on Monday to go through with Mrs J or I before Wednesday.


Spellings are to be practised within the spelling book following the instructions on the sheet.  Children should then choose four of the spellings to write in exciting sentences on the next page of their book.  The spelling test will next Friday.

Novel study launch


We started the year with the launch of the novel we will be studying for the term; Macbeth.  To get the children in a competitive mood we had a quick fire quiz between Scotland and Norway, before moving to the hall to do some battlefield drama! This inspired the children to create some truly fantastic writing.

A great start to the term!

Class 5 Curriculum Letter

I have attached the Class 5 Curriculum letter which gives an overview of what we will be learning this term in each subject.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and see me before or after school.

Miss Carr

Class 5 Autumn Curriculum Letter