Spelling patterns- week commencing 03.02.20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Surfers (Year 4) – nouns ending in the suffix -ation. Eg vibration, dedication, creation.

Seals (Year 3) – creating negative meaning using prefix mis-. Eg misspell, misuse, mistrust.

Waves (Year 4) – phoneme ‘ew’. Eg few, stew, blew, threw.

Spelling patterns- week commencing 27/01/20

This week Class 4 are practising the following spelling patterns :

Year 3 (seals)- adding suffixes (ed, er, ing, en) doubling the consonant. For example- beginner, occurring, forbidden.

Year 4 (surfers)- nouns ending in the suffix -ation. For example- education, location, information.

Year 4 (waves)- ’ue’ phoneme. For example- blue, Tuesday, clueless.

Reading Cinema

This afternoon class four were invited to the reading cinema. The children were given a choice of books and used their cinema tickets to vote for ’Jumanji’. Class four enjoyed relaxing and eating their popcorn whilst listening to the story.


Dear Class 4 parents,

We’re excited that your child has a Times Tables Rock Stars account!

The children have logged on to their account today and have practised using the website. Click on the link below to practise times tables at home. Their username and password are stuck in the front of their reading record.


Spelling patterns- week commencing 20/01/20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Year 3 (seals)- adding suffixes beginning with a vowel (ed, er, ing) not doubling the consonant. For example- gardener, walking, focused, limiting.

Year 4 (surfers)- phonemes and near phonemes. For example- check, cheque, cereal, serial.

Year 4 (waves)- ‘ir’ phoneme. For example- bird, girl, birthday, dirty.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 13.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly (exceptions to the rule)  e.g. truly, duly, wholly,  fully, daily, publicly, dryly, slyly, shyly, coyly.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory word list (and words derived from these root words) e.g. interest, interested, experiment, experimenting, imagine, imagination,  promise, promised, increase, increasing.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oy’ phoneme  e.g. oyster, royal, loyal, joy, decoy, ahoy, enjoy, annoy, cowboy, toys.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 06.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly where the root word ends in ‘ic’ or ‘al’ e.g. basically, frantically, dramatically, magically, tragically, comically, actually, accidentally, occasionally, eventually.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with ‘ough’ to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound e.g. though, although, dough, through, breakthrough, thought, bought, brought, fought

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oa’ phoneme e.g. loaded, soaked, foal, foaming, groan, boasting, coast, roasted, toasted, floating.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 29.11.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs by adding the suffix -ly to root words ending in ‘le’ (replace the final ‘e’ with a ‘y’) e.g. gently, simply, humbly, legibly, horribly, terribly, possibly, incredibly, comfortably, probably.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with cian’ (if the root word ends in ‘c’ or ‘cs’) e.g. musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, dietician, statistician,  technician, clinician, optician.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oi’ phoneme e.g. oil, boil, soil, foil, spoil, coin, join, loin, point, noise.