We have loved hearing Class 2’s memoires of their days in The Great British Countryside. No matter how far-fetched the stories have been, the descriptions of the places they have seen and things in which they have found on their adventures of the great outdoors have been just brilliant!
In English they have continued with their Read Write Inc stories. Orange books have been reading and writing about things in which they might like to be when they are grown up, and Purple books have been reading and writing about the tale of Tim and Tom. Yellow books have been using digital media to look at images and use story telling language to describe what they can see in a freeze frame using adventurous adjectives. The children have also had a focus on using varied conjunctions to join their ideas in writing. For the second half of the week Class 2 have started their novel study work. Our new story is Alfie and the Great Outdoors and we have used descriptive language in activities linked to the first bit of the story.
In Maths the children have continued with their next steps in learning involving multiplication concepts. They have been doing both practical independent and guided group activities. We started with making arrays, then solved problems using them. We then moved on to recognising and working out doubles. We then finished the week solving problems involving doubling. The children have also continued to chant and count in their 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
In Music the children have been both reading and playing simple pieces of music together. Their timing is getting so much better.
For PE the children were involved in relay practice, egg and spoon, obstacle and sprint. It is nice to see a competitive edge from the children even at this early stage.
Spellings have gone home today. We are all very proud of how the children are learning them. They are getting real satisfaction from their results. We would like to also say that we are delighted that your children are reading for pleasure all of the time, and thank you for your support when reading with, to or listening to your child at home.
Finally may we say congratulations to Oscar who has won Star of the Week trophy for setting an unbelievable example in school for his peers and for putting in real effort in all of his lessons.
Have a lovely weekend together and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mr Mavin