Weekly News 25.06.21

Hello everyone,

Thank you!

On behalf of all the staff, thank you for all your support this week.  I would also like to say a huge well done to our Year 5s and 6s, who have moved across to remote learning effortlessly and parents’ support with this at home is much appreciated. Please contact school if you are struggling with access to technology, as we have laptops available for Oak class to borrow for remote learning if needed.

PCR testing

Thank you to everyone who has taken their child for a PCR test, following the closure of Oak bubble. The PCR tests are readily available at local testing centres (Shrewsbury and Oswestry) and can be booked online or by phoning 119. You do not need to have symptoms to book a PCR test.

If you are doing the rapid lateral flow tests at home, please continue to do so and ideally as often as possible up to the end of term. These are proven to be very effective in picking up cases of COVID-19 and this will allow us to take action quickly and prevent further spread of the virus.

Our staff are doing daily tests, and we know those of you with older children may have been asked to do the same by your child’s secondary school.

Forest School – change of day next week

Next week, Forest School will take place on Thursday 1st (not Wednesday 30th) and just for those children who are not starting Bicton School in September i.e. current Willow class and Nursery children not starting Bicton school. Any current Bicton Nursery children, who are starting Reception at Bicton, will be spending Thursday morning with Mrs Bowes.

Children going to Forest School will need to wear: long sleeved top, long trousers, sunhat, suitable shoes (wellies or pumps depending on the weather).

Car Park – Reminder

Please can we remind all parents of the need to use the school car park safely and not to block other vehicles in, especially blue badge holders. If the car park is full, please park at the village hall. Thank you

School Photos

Please see new date (Wednesday 7th July 2021)

Forest Camp Shrewsbury

Wishing you all a safe and healthy weekend.

School Photographs – New date – Wednesday 7th July

We have re-scheduled a new date with the school photographer –  Wednesday 7th July (AM).

Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to allow younger/older siblings, who do not attend either Bicton School or Nursery. There is no need to bring your child earlier than normal if they already attend school or nursery, as staff will take them to the Hall to have their photos taken.

All children will have their photographs taken, individually and in their class groups, unless you tell us otherwise.


Hello everyone,

As you will already be aware, following letters sent out to families earlier today, we have been informed of a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the school.

We are aware that comments and criticism have been posted on social media today questioning our decisions and suggesting that we have not followed the correct procedures.

We have followed Public Health England and Department for Education advice, and followed Shropshire Council’s Standard Operating Procedure. A bubble has been closed as a result.

We ask that any concerns or questions that you may have are sent direct to the school and not via social media.

Our priority, since the start of the pandemic, has always been to keep our children, parents and staff safe and we ask for your support at this time.

Mrs Johnson, staff and governors

Walk in vaccinations

Walk in vaccinations (Shrewsbury)

The NHS are running walk-in vaccination clinics at the Shrewsbury Bowls Centre, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4RQ

For people aged 40 and over (Astra Zeneca 1st and 2nd doses)

Sunday 27th June 8.30am – 1pm

For 18-39 year olds (Pfizer 1st doses)

Wednesday 23rd June 8.30am – 1pm

Sunday 4th July – 8.30am – 7pm

As these are walk in clinics, there is no need to make an appointment.

Walk in vaccinations (Oswestry)

The  walk-in vaccination clinics for people aged 18-39 are continuing this week at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital in Oswestry. These are first dose appointments only and no appointment is needed; people can just turn up whenever is convenient for them during the opening times. The dates and times are below.  All vaccinations are Pfizer.

Wednesday, 23rd June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Thursday, 24th June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Friday, 25th June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Saturday, 26th June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Sunday, 27th June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Wednesday, 30th June, 8am to 5.30pm.

Thursday, 1st July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Friday, 2nd July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Saturday, 3rd July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Sunday, 4th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Monday, 5th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Tuesday, 6th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Wednesday, 7th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Thursday, 8th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Friday, 9th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Saturday, 10th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Sunday, 11th July, 8am to 5.30pm.

Update on Sports Day

Hello everyone,

I’m aware that questions are being asked about our plans for Sports Day this year.

The advice from the Local Authority is that sports days should be conducted in bubbles with no spectators.  This will minimise risk to pupils, staff and the wider community.

To keep our pupils, staff and families safe, we will be following this advice. Our sports day events will be held in bubbles during the normal school day but spectators will not be allowed.

The children will not ‘miss out’ and they will still enjoy the experience in an environment where we are not putting anyone at increased risk. We thank you for your understanding and support.

Mrs Johnson and staff


PLEASE READ – Head lice

We have been made aware of a case of head lice in school. Please can you check your child’s hair and treat as necessary.  We also ask that long hair is tied up/plaited etc and please encourage your child not to take their hair down during the day and to keep their hair up.  Your support with this would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Weekly News 18.06.21

Hello everyone,

There’s a few bits of information I need you to read this week please.

URGENT – Walk-in vaccinations

The NHS are going to be running walk-in vaccination clinics at the Shrewsbury Bowls Centre, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4RQ from Sunday this week.

For people aged 40 and over (Astra Zeneca 1st and 2nd doses)

Sunday 20 – Tuesday 22nd June inclusive 8.30am – 1pm

Sunday 27th June 8.30am – 1pm

For 18-39 year olds (Pfizer 1st doses)

Wednesday 23rd June 8.30am – 1pm

Sunday 4th July – 8.30am – 7pm

As these are walk in clinics, there is no need to make an appointment.

Apply for free school meals

Your child is eligible for free school meals if you are in receipt of certain benefits (more information available on the link below.)

Registering for free meals could also raise extra funding for your child’s primary school, to fund valuable support such as additional teaching staff or provision of before- and after-school activities.

Even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, and receives ‘universal infant free school meals’, you may be eligible to apply.

Please use the link  below to apply:


PE and uniform

Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform and footwear to school and we ask that they wear appropriate clothing on their PE days. We will be sending out updated information on PE kit for September, before the end of term.

Keyboard awards

Well done to Maya for achieving her Bronze award, to Freya and Jayden E for achieving their Silver awards, and to Ione for achieving her Gold award.

Arthog – Well done Year 5 and 6!

On behalf of all the staff who attended Arthog – Miss Carr, Mr Andrews, Mrs Walton and myself – I just wanted to say a huge well done and thank you to the Year 5s and 6s who went to Arthog last Friday. Their behaviour was exceptional and they were wonderful ambassadors for our school.

We had the most amazing day and they were such good company so here’s looking forward to next year’s visit!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

School photos – New Date – 7th July 2021

We have re-scheduled a new date with the school photographer –  Wednesday 7th July (AM).

Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to allow younger/older siblings, who do not attend either Bicton School or Nursery.    There is no need to bring your child earlier than normal if they already attend school or nursery, as staff will take them to the Hall to have their photos taken.        All children will have their photographs taken, individually and in their class groups, unless you tell us otherwise.

Krispy Kreme sale – SOLD OUT

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know that doughnuts will not be on general sale on Friday and it will just be collection of pre-orders placed up to Monday afternoon. Thank you for the great response and a huge thank you to FOBS for arranging yet another brilliant fundraiser!

Mrs Johnson x

Weekly News 28.05.21

Hi everyone,

Well, we’ve come to the end of half-term. I don’t know about you, but it has seemed like the longest half term in history! That said, our children have been amazing and never cease to amaze us with their resilience and thirst for learning.

Today, I had the huge pleasure of visiting Maple’s and Rowan’s French cafe and it made us all feel as though we are getting back to some sort of normality. Thank you for going to so much effort with their costumes, especially the moustaches!

It will feel even more like old times when we visit Arthog, albeit only for the day, with Oak Class after half term. Oak parents – please see a letter below that has been sent home today with details about Arthog.

Arthog Day Visit Letter – May 2021

Thank you from Sue

Sue was absolutely taken aback today with her cards, presents and people’s kindness. Thank you to everyone who made a donation towards Sue’s present via FOBS PayPal account. We put it towards spa vouchers for her which she is really looking forward to using! We wish Sue lots of luck in her new job.

Year 6 hoodies

An offer has been uploaded to sQuid today for Year 6 hoodies.


On behalf of all our staff and governors, we would like to thank you for your continued support and we hope you all have a good half term. Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Mrs Johnson x