After school clubs

Many thanks for the responses to our after school provision survey. The results will help us shape our provision for September to suit our school community but we would like to confirm there will be after school provision available for all families that require it until 4.30pm every weekday.

Further details will follow in due course.

After school provision

Dear parents/carers,

We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey so that the Senior Leadership Team can get a clear picture of the requirements for after school provision from

All of our provision is currently staffed by school staff, however we do not have the capacity to continue this in September. We know some parents rely on this provision and so we are considering a range of different options including curriculum enrichment clubs from external providers.

Your responses will be vital in ensuring we provide sufficiently for the needs of our school community and we thank you in advance for your participation.

Best wishes,

Senior Leadership Team

Weekly News 09.07.21

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a good week and it has been nice to see some drier weather at the end of the week! This came right in time and allowed our KS1 and KS2 classes to hold their sports day events yesterday. Even though we weren’t able to have spectators, the children did a great job cheering each other on!

Special Notice

A special message has gone out via Class Dojo this afternoon. With many of our children (and staff!) staying up to watch the England v Italy final on Sunday evening, we are allowing children to arrive a bit later – up until 10:00 am – on Monday morning. If your child is unwell and not going to be in school on Monday, you must still let the school office know.

End-of-year reports

Your child’s end-of-year reports have been given out today, together with a letter containing lots of information. If your child has been absent today, they will be given their report next week.

Carrier bags

Please can your child bring in a bag for life or a strong carrier bag next week, to take their school books home in. Thank you.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

News from Messy Church

Dear Friends of Messy Church,
July greetings! I hope this finds you well. We have two bits of news to share this month – see below. Hannah x

Forest Church is back!
We have two dates in the diary:
Sunday, 12th September, 3pm, The Isle, Bicton (by kind permission of Edward Tate)
Sunday, 19th September, 3pm, Leaton Forest (by kind permission of Charles Bridgeman)
Come and enjoy worship, crafty activities and (your own) food in the beautiful outdoors! We are really looking forward to welcoming people from our morning congregations and from Messy Church, and are hopeful of a truly all-age experience. Do save the date for now, and more details will follow soon.
During Lockdown many have reported a deepening appreciation for nature, along with a profound sense of God’s sustaining love being sung out through creation. Consequently, Forest Churches have grown around the country as a response to these pandemic times. We are so fortunate here in Severn Loop to live in the wild and lovely Shropshire countryside, and alongside wise stewards of our natural resources. We hope that by joining together in the outdoors we can learn more of God’s wondrous creation, and our part in it- which is fundamental to our God-given humanity. Come along, invite others, and be blessed!
Pyjama Church Survey
As the roadmap out of Lockdown continues, we are looking at how we might develop Pyjama Church. Whether you’ve watched it a couple of times, or are a regular viewer, please do take a few moments to complete a questionnaire at

Weekly News 02.07.21

Hi everyone,

There is a lot of information in today’s newsletter and I thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to read it.

School Photos

The photographer is visiting on Wednesday morning and will be taking individual photos, with siblings who attend Bicton School or Nursery and class photos.

Safer School Update

I’d like to congratulate Mrs Johnson and all at Bicton CE Primary School and Nursery on maintaining their Safer School accreditation. In 2017, the school was accredited a Safer School and via Teams video, I recently attended a Safer School meeting. It was a really positive and reassuring meeting, where we reviewed parent/carer feedback, listened to the views of pupils, updated the security checklist and discussed school incidents. During the meeting, the pupil contribution and enthusiasm reflected well on the school. An essential element of the initiative involves communicating and the school achieves this through Safer School meetings, parent/carer/pupil surveys and newsletters. A future meeting is planned for Summer 2022, excellent work! 

 Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer, Shropshire Council

One of the issues raised in the survey responses, and which was discussed in the Safer School meeting, was the issue of pedestrians using the main vehicular gate. Please see reminders below from Oak Class of what we need pedestrians to do, and we thank you  for listening to their advice.

School Uniform Letter – Please read

See below an updated letter about school uniform expectations. In September, we will be continuing with the current arrangement of children coming to school wearing PE kit on their PE days but children should wear the clothing set out in the attached letter.

Uniform September 2021

Beam – Information for Parents

Beam provide emotional well-being support to young people in Shropshire Telford & Wrekinare and are running some sessions over MS Teams, which are open to all parents and carers. There is no need to book – just click into the relevant link at the session time.

Mental Health & Emotional well-being in children & young people. We will cover:

·       Effective communication.

·       Empathy V Sympathy.

·       Overview of common emotional well-being topics such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation and anger.

Wednesday 7th July 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

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Sleepy Heads.


2 session workshop around sleep & common issues.


It is advisable to attend both sessions.

Session 1:

·       Sleep stages.

·       Sleep hygiene.

·       Bedtime routines.

Wednesday 21st July 2021



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Session 2:

·       Tackling common issues around sleep including:

·       Prolonged night-time awakenings.

·       Bedtime refusal & resisitance.

·       Teen sleep.

Wednesday 4th August 2021



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Managing anxious behaviours in young people. We will cover:

·       What anxiety is.

·       Science of anxiety.

·       How to support.

Wednesday 18th August 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

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Shropshire’s Summer Holidays Activities and Food Programme

Shropshire Council have been awarded DfE grant funding to groups, organisations and individuals in the county, who are delivering a high quality and exciting programme of holiday activity and/or enrichment opportunities, over the summer for children and young people (aged 5-16).

The funding is intended to subsidise free places on new or existing holiday programmes for children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM).   Information on how to book places will be sent home with eligible families over the next week.

Some organisations are also offfering paid places for children not eligible for FSM.
Please see below information from Shrewsbury Town in the Community and Embrace Group for their summer provision:


Border Counties School of Gymnastics

See below information on gymnastics opportunities.


Summer Gym poster

Virtual Shrewsbury Flower Show 2021

Please see below the floral art schedules and an amateur grower’s schedule, including childrens sections, that may be of interest if you have budding gardeners in your midst. Closing date for these is Monday 26 July 2021.

Virtual Children’s Floral Art Schedule

Virtual Amateur Growers Schedule

Virtual Adult Floral Art Schedule


Thank you for your ongoing support, especially over the past couple of weeks. I am sure you will be very aware that the number of cases of COVID-19 in local schools (and the community) has risen significantly in the past couple of weeks. If your child or any family member is unwell, and you have any concerns at all, please do not send your child to school or nursery. We ask that you book a PCR test (and inform us of the result) which will help us to keep our pupils, staff and families safe.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and please take care and stay safe x