School News 28.09.21

Beavers and Cub Scouts at Copthorne

They meet between 5.30pm and 6.45pm on a Monday night at the Scout and Guide Hut on Rad Valley Rd, Copthorne.

The Beavers are for children aged 6 to 8 and the Cub Scouts for aged 8 to 10 ½

If you are interested, please contact Terry Butler on 01743 236051 or at

Buttercup Bookstore colouring competition

Buttercup Bookstore, based in the Darwin Shopping Centre, have recently launched a colouring competition and have asked us to share the information below.


Get your crayons out boys and girls –
Buttercup Bookshop is running a Colouring-in Competition.  
Can your little ones give Buttercup the tortoise some colour? 🐢🖍💚Simply print off the sheet (above) and either take a snap and post your entry on social media, tagging Buttercup Bookshop, or drop it in to the store at The Collective at Darwin, on the lower level of the Darwin Shoppin Centre.  
First Prize wins £25.00 voucher for Buttercup Bookshop / DVDMegaStore . Second Prize wins a £15.00 voucher and third prize is a £5 voucher. 🙌
The competition closes on Friday 1st October.
Good luck and happy colouring!


Weekly News 24th September 2021

Hello everyone,

What a week we’ve had!

My son texted me on Monday morning, to check that we were still going to London on Wednesday evening to watch Chelsea, to which I replied that only Covid or Ofsted would stop me. Five minutes later, ‘the phone call’ came notifying us that Ofsted would be inspecting us the following 2 days!

It goes without saying, that your children have been incredible this week and they were desperate to talk to the inspectors and show them all that is wonderful about our school and nursery.

Our staff and governors would like to say thank you for all the kind messages of support, and it was wonderful to see that so many of you would recommend our school to other parents.

On a very personal note, I would like to thank each and every one of our staff for their incredible hard work and commitment. They have been amazing this week and, as I’ve said before, I feel truly honoured to be part of such a wonderful team.

I’ll leave you with some photos of some of our Year 6s out litter picking yesterday with Midcounties Co-op staff. As always, they were great ambassadors for our school and I wouldn’t have expected anything less!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs Johnson x

P.S. … and just incase you were wondering, no I didn’t make it to the football on Wednesday night!

Weekly News 17th September 2021

Hello everyone,

I will be sending out a paper newsletter next week but, in the meantime, please take a few minutes to read the following information.


I’m sure you are aware that the number of cases of COVID-19 in the community, locally and across the UK, has risen since schools returned this term. With this in mind, I would like to say a very heartfelt thank you for your support this week in keeping your child at home if they have been unwell and for arranging a PCR test where necessary. We have not had any cases in school this term and we are doing everything we can to keep it this way!

With cases still high in Shropshire, it is vitally important to get a PCR test if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrohea

Click here to book a PCR test online.

School Uniform

Please ensure that all items of uniform are labelled with your child’s name and please ensure that any items your child brings home by mistake are returned to school promptly – we are aware that lots of children have mislaid sweatshirts this week which we have not been able to find in school. Thank you.

PE kit

Children MUST come to school wearing the correct PE kit on their PE days, as follows:

  • Plain blue or white t-shirt or school logo PE t-shirt. (No other t-shirts should be worn.)
  • Plain black or navy shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings (Football kit should not be worn.)
  • Pumps / trainers.

School Cook Vacancy

Please see details below of a Shire Services vacancy in our school kitchen.

Cook in Charge vacancy advert

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Weekly news 10th September

Hello everyone,

We’ve had a great week in school but I think we are all glad that it’s cooled down a little bit now!

There a few reminders/requests below which I need you to read and I thank you in advance for doing so.

PE uniform

Children should wear the correct PE kit for school as follows:

  • Plain blue or white t-shirt or school logo PE t-shirt. (No other colour t-shirts should be worn.)
  • Plain black / navy / royal blue shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings (Football kit should not be worn.)
  • Pumps / trainers.


Cartons of fruit juice or milkshake can be purchased on sQuid for your child to have with their school dinner. Drinks are priced at 50p and this is payable by all children wanting a drink, including those eligible for universal infant free school meals in Reception, year 1 and year 2 as well as KS2 children eligible for free school meals.

Year 6 secondary school applications

All year 6 pupils have been given a letter this week regarding applying for a secondary school place. If for any reason the letter did not make it home, please let the school office know.

Disabled parking spaces

Please DO NOT PARK in the disabled parking spaces at the front of the school, unless you are a blue badge holder.

End of day procedures

If your child is being collected by another adult, please let staff know, either in person or by phoning/emailing school, as we will not allow children to go home with a different adult if we have not been informed. Thank you.

Roald Dahl special menu

Next Thursday 16th September, the school kitchen are doing a special Roald Day themed lunch which is different to the published menu – see below.

Roald Dahl Day Promotion

COVID-19 – update from Shropshire Council

With cases remaining high in Shropshire, it is vitally important to get a PCR test if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrohea

There are currently testing sites in Shrewsbury, Ludlow, Oswestry and Market Drayton or you can order a home testing kit.

Click here to book online.

Forest Church details – Sunday 12th September

Forest Church Letter

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Clubs reminder

Just a quick reminder that the booking system for the new after school clubs is now on sQuid under ‘offers’.  Some clubs are already full so please make a booking before the end of the day tomorrow  to guarantee your child a place.


Miss Carr

URGENT – Safeguarding reminders

Hello everyone,

I don’t like having a moan but please can I remind all adults of the following playground rules:

  • Dogs (including puppies) are NOT allowed to be brought onto the playground at any time.
  • Mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the playground. If you wish to make or receive a call, you can only do so on the car park on the other side of the pedestrian gate.

These are part of our safeguarding procedures and are in place to keep your child/children safe.

Thank you in advance for adhering to this.

Mrs Johnson

Hats, drinks and sun cream! ☀️

With the sunny weather set to continue for the next few days, please make sure your child brings a water bottle and hat, and has sun cream applied before arriving at school/nursery. Please share with other parents if you can!
Thank you

Weekly News 03.09.21

Hello everyone,

We have had such a great start to the new school year and it has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces wherever you look!

The children have amazed us with how well they have settled into their new classes and especially Willow class who are just starting their school journey – they really are little stars!

After-school provision

Your child has been given a letter today outlining our new clubs provision. Thank you for the super response to our recent survey, which has helped shape our new provision.

PE sessions
Please remember that your child needs to come to school wearing their school PE kit on their PE days which are shown below (starting from Monday 6th.) Children need to wear a plain blue or white t-shirt or a blue t-shirt with the school logo (optional), black or navy shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and pumps/trainers.
Birch – Monday and Thursday
Hazel – Tuesday and Friday
Maple – Tuesday and Friday
Rowan – Monday and Thursday
Oak – Wednesday and Thursday
Forest Church
Dear children, caregivers and staff,
We at church really hope you’ve had a wonderfully restful holiday and feel ready and confident about a new term?!
Before the holidays I mentioned that we will be resuming Forest Church. We are really pleased to announce that we’ve organised one for Sunday, 12th September at 3pm. The venue is the Isle Estate, Bicton (by kind permission of Edward Tate). Do bring warm, waterproof clothes and a picnic- we will be enjoying the great outdoors! We will spend an hour doing activities followed by a short worship service, and then have a picnic together. All ages are most welcome. To get there, turn into Isle Lane at Bicton and keep going through the Lion Gates and on straight until you reach the car park in the stable yard. Though in Bicton, we are actually really near to Leaton, which is just the other side of the river- so it should feel close to home for everyone!
With love and blessings,
Hannah and all at church 
Music Lessons
In school we are pleased to be working with Shropshire Music Service to offer small-group and individual lessons – currently in keyboard, violin and brass instruments. Shropshire Music Service are a non-profit council organisation dedicated to providing high quality music education for the county’s young people.  The lessons are not free, but substantial reductions in the cost are available for those in challenging financial circumstances. SMS also offer affordable instrument hire for most instruments, along with opportunities to perform in musical groups.  You can enrol your children using this link, or search Shropshire Music Service to find out more.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Johnson x

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a lovely summer and I can’t wait to hear the children’s news when they return to school on Thursday 2nd September!

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Please take a few minutes to read our updated risk assessment below, so that you know what we need you to do to keep everyone safe. With COVID-19 cases still high, it is vital that everyone continues to adhere to our measures – this will support us in keeping school as safe and as ‘normal’ as possible for children and staff.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V21 29.08.2021

We are no longer asking you to wear a face covering when you drop off or collect your child but please respect the parents / staff who choose to do so. The important thing is that you leave the site promptly and do not congregate with other parents.

Thank you in advance for sticking to the rules!

Dinner Money

Please remember that the price of a school lunch is now £2.40 per day, which is payable in advance.


Please see a reminder of our uniform expectations below. I know some parents have had difficulty in purchasing the school logo sweatshirt in certain sizes – a plain royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan is fine with us.

Please pay careful attention in the letter below to our expectations for PE kit – your child’s teacher will let you know their PE days for this term when we return to school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

Uniform September 2021

After-school Clubs

Information on our after-schol provision for the next half term will be sent out next week. In the meantime, please continue to book your child into breakfast or after-school club using sQuid.

See you all on Thursday!

Mrs Johnson x