Message for choir

All choir members –

If you haven’t already done so can you please send your reply slip back into school by tomorrow so I know who will be singing in the choir on Saturday at the village fete.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Transition Day

This Thursday, children will be spending the day in their September classes and the class lists will be on the window of each class from tomorrow. Children will line up as normal outside their existing classes and any children moving to a different classroom will do so after registration; they will return to their current classes before the end of the day.

Thank you for your continued support

Weekly News


Many thanks to FOBS for organising such a great evening last Friday.  It was lovely to see so many families at School watching or taking part in the football and zumba activities!  With glorious sunshine, it was a perfect end to our Health and Fitness Week.

Sports Day

Thank you to everyone for their support and encouragement at Sports Day yesterday.  The children’s sporting attitude and behaviour was excellent and many of them surprised staff with their energy levels and desire to take part in every event on offer! Again, thank you to FOBS for serving much-needed refreshments throughout the day.

The last few weeks of term seem as busy as ever, so please keep an eye on the website for news or reminders of forthcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Johnson

Sports Day – Yr 6 Bike Race

If the Year 6’s wish to take part in the bike race tomorrow can they please remember to bring their bikes. Thank you.

FOBS Annual General Meeting


Please join us at our AGM, become part of this invaluable team and demonstrate to your child how much you care about Bicton School. We are always looking for new committee members. Also, we would like to replace our Secretary or at least find people willing to share this role with existing volunteers.

Bicton School is dependent on FOBS fundraising to supplement the school budget. Your help can make

Date: Friday, 11th of July

Time: 2.00 pm

Place: Bicton School Staff Room

Thank you!



Dental Spa Logo Competition

We have been asked by the Dental Spa in Shrewsbury to help design a logo for their Dental Spa Super Spa Kids Club. Your child will be coming home with the details. Please return the completed designs to the school office by the Tuesday 17th June.


School Photographer Visit

Tempest Photography will be in school next Tuesday on June 10th to take individual portraits, siblings together and class photos. If you would like photographs taking of your child/children  with younger siblings who are not in school,  please be at school for just after 8:30 a.m.

If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal.


Weekly News 27.05.14

P.D. Day change

Our calendar has been updated to show a change to our planned P.D. days in order to fall in line with a change made by The Corbet School. The original date of Friday 24th October 2014 has now been changed to Monday 3rd November.

Home-link books

As mentioned previously, please could you remember to write a note in your child’s home-link book regarding clubs and the bus. We are still having to ring home to find out if children are staying to clubs and if they are travelling home on the bus or being collected.

Dental appointments

Unless it is for emergency treatment, please could children’s dental appointments be made for outside of the school day to prevent children from missing time in school.

YEAR 6s – Bikeability

Year 6s please remember your bikes and helmets for the first day back on Monday 2nd June.  If the sun decides to make a reappearance, please also remember to apply sun cream before coming to school and wear suitable clothing as explained in your previous letter. Due to your session times, it might be easier for you to bring a packed lunch on Monday and Tuesday but a school lunch will still be provided if you wish.

Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy the half term break!

Mrs Natalie Johnson

Mr Fone

It is with sadness that we inform you that Mr Fone has passed away who was head teacher at Bicton CE Primary School many years ago.  His funeral will be held at Bicton Church on Friday 6th June at 11.00 a.m.