Cancelled Clubs – KS2 Rounders 3rd June and Cross Country and R.E – 5th June

Please note due to several staff attending Arthog on Friday, 5th June 2015 there will be NO Cross Country or R.E. Club.  Rounders will also NOT RUN on Wednesday after school due to staff being out on trips/courses.

Clubs will revert to normal the following week.

Weekly News 22nd May 2015

Grow A Pound – Thank You

Thank you to FOBs for visiting our assembly this morning to present prizes to the winning children and overall winning class.  This has been a fantastic fundraising event for everyone involved and raised over £1,200! The children said a big thank you to FOBs this morning for organising the event and for the money raised for school.  Have  a look at the photo gallery to see the children being presented with their prizes in assembly.

Class 4 Parents’ Lunch

Class 4 parents and grandparents are invited to join their child/grandchild for lunch any day between Tuesday and Friday on the second week back after half-term.  A letter has been sent out with more details and we hope to see as many of you as possible.


Please can any outstanding medical forms for Arthog be returned on the first day back after half term.


If you haven’t yet returned the letter giving permission for Calpol to be administered to your child, and you wish us to do so, please can you return the letter on the first day back after half term; this will ensure that our records can be updated and finalised.

Letters home this week

Bag2School – whole school

NSPCC letter and sponsor form – whole-school

Crucial Crew – all Year 6 children

Rounders tournament – Class 5 children involved

Brass Extravaganza – Year 5/6 children

We hope you all have a lovely half-term holiday and look forward to hearing the children’s news when they come back to school.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Bag2School – 9th June

Please start collecting any unwanted clothes or textiles (clean but in any condition).  You will be provided with a Bag2School plastic bag (bin liners are fine too) and they will be collected from school on the morning of Tuesday 9th June.

This is an excellent way we can raise funds for school whilst educating the children on the importance of recycling.

They accept the following items;
Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Handbags, ties, belts, hats and soft toys

They will not accept;
Duvets, bedding, household linen
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (inc. bath, shower and toilet mats)
School uniform
Corporate clothing and work wear
Shredded or mutilated textile material
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

Further information can be found at


Sickness Reminder

Children should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea, to prevent the spread of infection. Thank you.

Plant a Fruit Tree

On Saturday 16th May 2015 we are planting the Orchard.

We  have received some of the trees for planting the orchard, and the raspberry canes.

Please come along and help garden, so the children can enjoy delicious fresh fruit straight from the tree.

10.30 onwards, this Saturday, refreshments provided.

Looking forward to seeing you, Catherine Orrell

Thanks to Defra and the RHS for the Incredible Edible Grant and    Severn Trent for the tools.


Grow A Pound project

There are still several children that haven’t handed the money raised to the school office. We would like to announce the winner of the various categories soon.

Please could you bring your envelope with your childs name written on it into the school office asap together with the slip explaining the total amount raised and how your child raised it. Also, if your child has not taken part, please return the original slip with the £1 coin.

Many thanks


Craft Club – 7th May

Craft Club has been cancelled this Thursday 7th May.

Craft Club

Please note after May half term there will no longer be a Craft Club.  We are currently looking at other options please keep checking the web site for further information.

Grow A Pound

Please could all monies raised be given into the school office by tomorrow, together with the slip explaining the total amount raised and how your child raised it.

If your child has not taken part, please return the original slip with the £1 coin.

Many thanks