We would just like to say a massive thank you to all children and parents who made, bought and donated cakes and biscuits to our sale today.

Thank you also to the co-op who donated boxes of buns for us to sell.

In addition to this, many children brought money to spend and Class 4’s cake sale was a roaring success!

We will let you know exactly how much was raised and children in Class 4 will help decide exactly which natural disaster charity we will send the money to.

Cake Sale

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Wednesday 27th January at morning break, Class 4 will be holding a cake sale outside their classroom to raise money for people affected by the recent flooding.

A few of the children in the class had wanted to do something after learning about different natural disasters around the world as part of out topic ‘Extreme Earth’.

Class 4 would like to ask for any donations of cakes, buns or biscuits to be brought in before Wednesday.

The cake sale will be open to all children. Small cakes and biscuits will be 20p. Larger cakes and biscuits will be 50p. Please could children bring in no more than £2.

Thank you for your support,

Class 4

Popcorn and PJ’s Movie Night – 29th January

The last day to purchase your tickets for the above night will be Friday 22nd January. They are available from the school office.

Film Club – Tuesday 19 January

Mrs Johnson will be doing Film club in Class 3 for this week only. Please therefore collect your child/children from this classroom and not from the Hall. Thank you.

Christmas Fayre Total

Well done to everyone involved in making the Christmas Fayre so successful.  We raised a fantastic £650!  Thank you also to FOBs who raised over £350 from the raffle and the refreshments!  This is a wonderful achievement and the monies raised will benefit all the children in the school.  Thank you again.

Mrs Johnson


Weekly News 11.12.15

Christmas Fayre – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our Christmas Fayre on Thursday afternoon and see just how busy the children have been over the past few weeks. It was a lovely afternoon for everyone involved.  We will put another post on to let you know how much the event raised, once all the monies have been counted. Thank you all again.


There will be NO CLUBS on Wednesday 6th January, due to a whole-school training session.  Please remember to check the website for which clubs are running when we return to school after Christmas.

Medal Winners 11.12.15


Letters home

Cancellation of Choir event in The Quarry on Saturday 13th – choir children involved

Condover residential visit – Years 3 and 4

Many thanks

Mrs Johnson

Weekly News 27.11.15

Governor Visit

Today, some of our governors spent the morning in school and they visited each class after joining us for our medals assembly. The children really enjoyed talking about what they were learning and sharing their work.  On behalf of all the staff and children, we would like to say thank you to Shirley, Francesca and Mary-Lou for their time and we are looking forward to our governors visiting again on next year’s Governor Visit Day.


Please can Year 5 and 6 children remember to bring their bike and helmet to school next week.  The children have been told which days they will be taking part in the training and may leave their bike and helmet at school overnight if they wish.  Just to remind them that they will need to dress in clothing appropriate for the weather i.e. waterproof coat, school t-shirt/shirt and sweatshirt with trousers/ leggings/jogging bottoms and suitable footwear. If they have waterproof trousers it might be a good idea to bring those and they may also wish to bring gloves and also a spare pair of socks in case their feet get wet!

Car Park

As in previous requests, please can we stress again that the disabled spaces on the school car park should only be used by drivers with a disabled parking permit/badge. Could we also remind drivers dropping children off at Breakfast Club that they should drive out of the car park at an appropriate speed to safeguard pedestrians and other drivers. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Christmas Baubles

If children are decorating the bauble they brought home last week, as part of the Coop competition, please can they return the bauble to school by Friday 4th December.

Letters home this week:

Choir events – all choir children

U10s football – 9 children involved

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson and staff



Cancelled Clubs – December

Please note there will be NO CLUBS on Wednesday 16th December, Thursday 17th December and Friday 18th December due to Nativity (Class 1, 2 and 3) and Choir (Class 4 and 5)  performances at the Church during the evenings.

Weekly News – October Half Term

Celebration Assembly

Well done to all the children for their fantastic performances in last Friday’s Celebration Assembly. All the staff were very proud of their children and how hard they have worked over the last half term. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and share in the children’s successes.


Please keep an eye on the website as some of the clubs have now changed. The only club now running on Tuesday is Film Club. Craft Club on Wednesday is now for KS2 but we are running a new club in its place for younger children; Colouring Club will take place in Class 2 on Wednesdays for Reception/Year1/Year 2. We will continue to run KS2 Football Club for as long as the darker nights allow. Please note there is no Football Club on Wednesday 11th (as there is an U9s match – details to follow) but this may still show on the calendar until it has been updated.


Some families will already be aware that there are roadworks on Bicton Lane past the Church. This is not affecting access to the school entrance from Holyhead Road at present.

Safer School Parent/Guardian Survey

Many thanks for the surveys that were returned last Friday. We really appreciate your views and comments so if you could return your survey by Thursday 5th at the latest we would be very grateful.

Operation Christmas Child- Shoeboxes

We are taking part in the Shoebox Appeal this year and children will be bringing home a leaflet the first day back. This is completely voluntary but in previous years we have always found that the children are keen to take part. Filled shoeboxes can be left at the main office and need to be returned to school by Monday 16th November. Thank you in advance for your support.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Mrs Johnson

School Car Park

Please could we politely request that people show due care to other car park users when using the school car park. On Friday afternoon a parents’ car was hit by another car causing several hundred pounds worth of damage.  If the school car park is busy, there is always ample room at the village hall.

Thank you.

Mrs Johnson