Extra Clubs

Craft Club will restart on Wednesday 7th for Years 3 to 6 and Bookworms on Thursday 8th for Classes 3 and 4. These clubs were not updated on the website before the weekly newsletter went out but are showing in the Clubs area of the website.

Thank you.

Music Tuition Fees

Can ALL fees for music tuition be paid by Thursday 21st July at the latest.

Thank you.


All medicine that has been kept in school this term for children will need to be collected from school on Friday afternoon, the last day of term. Children who go home on the bus, any medicine will be put safely in their bags.

Any relevant medication will need to be returned at the start of term in September.

Any queries please contact the school.

Eco-room – Car Parking Arrangements

Children in Years R to 5 have been given a letter today (see below) explaining the changes that will take place during the Eco-room building work.  Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.

Car park letter

Many thanks.

Mrs Johnson

Weekly News 17.07.16

Celebration Assembly

Children have been busy practising for the Celebration Assembly on Thursday 21st and we look forward to seeing you there.  As always, please could we ask adults to use the Village Hall car park and not to obstruct Bicton Lane.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Lunch

On Friday 22nd, Year 6 children will present their Leavers Assembly starting at 10:30. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us for lunch following the assembly which needs to be paid for on Monday 18th.  Thank you.

Report Comments

Thank you if you have returned the comments form regarding your child’s report.  Staff are grateful for all the comments received so far and there is still plenty of time this week if you would like to make comments and haven’t yet done so.

Important dates this week:

Class 3 visit to Warwick Castle – Wednesday 20th

Year 6 bowling and meal – Wednesday 20th

NO CLUBS  – Friday 22nd

Hope you’ve had a nice weekend and enjoyed the long-overdue sunshine!

Sports Day Thank Yous

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along to support the children at Sports Day today.  We couldn’t have asked for better weather and the children’s effort and sportsmanship was a credit to them all.

Thank you to everyone in FOBs for providing refreshments throughout the day especially the bacon rolls which were delicious! Thank you also to the Year 6s who helped during both events and to Doug for taking on the role of photographer for us this afternoon.

Hopefully the children will sleep well this evening – the staff certainly will!

Mrs Johnson and staff


no dogs

Please could we remind everyone again that dogs are not allowed on the school premises, particularly the playgrounds, under any circumstances. Thank you.

Weekly News 6th May

Warm weather

Now that the weather has finally warmed up, children may want to bring a sun-hat (with their name in) to wear at playtimes.  Please could you also check that your child’s sweatshirts/cardigans are named as they often take these off when they are outside and it is not always easy to match up a pile of clothing with the correct owners. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Children may bring sunscreen to school, labelled with their name, but it is preferable that this is applied before they leave home in the morning.  We will remind any children bringing sunscreen to school not to share it with other children in case of allergies.

Dates for the diary

These may not all show on the calendar until Monday but future dates include:

No after-school clubs on Thursday 9th June – FOBs event 3:30 (details to follow)

Sports Day Tuesday 21st June – Classes 1/2/3 9:15 – 11:30  Classes 4/5 1:00 – 3:00

Sports Day reserve date Thursday 23rd June (same arrangements as 21st June)

Celebration Assembly Thursday 21st July (changed from Friday 15th July)

SATs week

Good luck to the Year 6s for their SATs next week; they have worked hard in recent weeks and we know they will all do their best.  Thank you to Year 6 parents and guardians for all the support you have given your child at home this year.

Year 6 reminder

Please could all applications for secondary school transport be returned by Monday.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Weekly news 22.04.16

Condover residential

As you can probably tell from the vast array of photos, we had a fantastic time at Condover.  Well done to all the children for their exceptional behaviour and for making the visit so enjoyable for their friends and staff.  Thank you to all the adults who took part – Miss Barratt, Mrs Chadwick, Mrs J and Mrs Walton – and I’m sure they enjoyed the children’s company as much as I did!

Arthog residential

Please remember that the second payment must be paid by Friday 29th April at the latest. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Years 4 and 5 swimming

Years 4 and 5 start their swimming sessions on Wednesday morning at Oswestry.  If you have not yet returned your child’s permission slip and payment, please can this be returned by Tuesday at the very latest. Thank you.

Letters out

Arrows archery at The Corbet – Y5/6 children involved (please return by Monday 25th)

Hope you’ve had a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Midweek News 23.03.16

Celebration Assembly

We look forward to seeing friends and family at our Celebration  Assembly at 9:25 on Thursday morning – hope you can join us!

Condover Final Payment

Please could any monies still outstanding for the Year 3/4 visit to Condover be paid by Thursday 24th at the very latest. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.

Cross Country

Well done to all the children who competed in the area cross country on Tuesday morning at The Corbet School.  The children displayed a fantastic team effort and the boys team came 2nd overall out of the local schools. Thank you to parents who came along to support us.

Cross Country 22.03.16

U11s Football 

Well done also to the Year 5 and 6 boys who played in last week’s Small Schools semi finals at Sundorne.  It was wonderful to see how far the boys have progressed as a team since September and it was only goal difference that resulted in them not making it through to the final. Thank you to mums, dads and grandparents who have supported the boys this year.

Coop Fairtrade Donations

Thank you to the Coop for the Fairtrade products they provided us with for a fantastic display in reception and to Laura for giving up her time to create the display.  We have decided to donate the food items to the Food Bank in Shrewsbury.

Sport Relief Total

Thank you to everyone who sent in a donation for Sport Relief – we’ve sent off £132.70 to the charity today.