Food Bank Donations – Reminder

The co-op will be collecting the donations we have made to the Barnabus Food Bank this Friday morning. The box will be in Reception until then if you wish to make any donations.


Operation Christmas Child – Shoeboxes

We are taking part in the Shoebox Appeal again this year and children will be bringing home a leaflet with all the information this week. This is completely voluntary but in previous years we have always found that the children are keen to take part. Filled shoeboxes can be left at the main office and need to be returned to school by Monday 14th November. Thank you in advance for your support.


Halloween Disco -21st October – Cake donations

FOBS will be very grateful for any cake donations for the Halloween Disco.  Donations can be left on Reception.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for your continued support.

FOBS – Thank You

Dear Parents & Carers

FOBS would like to thank everyone who came to the Back to School BBQ.  It was a lovely evening and the children enjoyed all the activities.  With your generosity we raised a fantastic £285 that will go towards new equipment for the school.

We would also like to thank the Co-op for donating food and drinks and Doug, Georgiana and Jack for providing the entertainment.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Next event: Halloween Disco – Friday 21st October 3.30pm – 5.00pm

Reminder – Special Lunch Tomorrow

Special Lunch – Thursday 6th October

Red – Hot dogs

Blue – Fish finger wraps

Served with a choice of ketchup/mayo/BBQ sauce/American mustard

Potato Wedges – Baked Beans – Sweetcorn

Sticky Toffee Muffins – Yoghurts – Fresh Fruit Salad

Christmas Card

Dear parents and guardians,
If you would like your child to take part in the design of your own Christmas card activity and you haven’t yet returned your child’s design to the school office please could you do this no later than FRIDAY 7th of October.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Back to School BBQ this Friday

Dear Parent/Guardian,
4.30pm to 6.30pm

Just a reminder of FOB’s Back to School BBQ on Friday 30th September. Everyone is welcome. The event is free to all and children will enjoy free entertainment.

Fobs will be selling food and a bar will be open in return for donations. Food will consist of burgers and hotdogs, salad bar and cakes (vegetarian options will be available). The bar will sell light refreshment, beer and wine (all money raised will go towards new equipment for the school).

We are looking forward to seeing as many families and guardians as possible and to having a lovely social evening where the children will be able to have lots of fun and enjoy lots of different entertainment such as games, zumba and sports.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.


PS: Please bring your picnic blanket or chair.

Bicton Church Harvest Service

The choir have been invited to sing at the Harvest Service at Bicton Church on Sunday 2nd October at 6:30 pm.  Everyone is welcome and we hope to see as many of the choir there as possible.

Attingham Park Event – 18 September

Please see details regarding an event happening at Attingham Park

Muck in morning at Attingham Park                                        
Sunday 18 September, 10am-12pm
A chance to help us get ready for the apple harvest as well as have fun with the family!
Attingham Park is looking for families to help collect the ripe apples that have fallen from the trees ready for the apple harvest weekend on 24 and 25 September. Families will also have the chance to make some arty apples to decorate the orchard. 
Everyone who takes part will gain free entry to the garden and grounds on Sunday 18 September. 
There are a maximum of 20 spaces for this activity so if your family are     interested in taking part do get in touch as soon as possible with                       Kate Christmas, Visitor Experience Officer (Families and Schools) on 01743 708195 or email