Well done Nikki!


I went to London to surprise Nikki in the hope of catching sight of her and cheering her on.  (You can just about see her back next to a runner in orange!). A family standing next to me shouted her name as well so that she would hear and the smile on her face when she spotted us is something I will always remember.

Well done Nikki from everyone at Bicton ?


Latest Marathon News From Nikki…

Mini marathon/London Marathon update

Class 1 436
Class 2 535
Class 3 1162
Class 4 1218
Class 5 815

A total of 4116 laps were completed by the whole school, including the staff, although not all the staff’s laps were recorded so the total distance will actually be even greater!
Almost all children covered at least 10 laps, which was 1 mile. The most laps done by a single pupil was 69, which was achieved by both Kieran and Jack from Class 4.
The total distance covered was 411.6 miles. So how far would that take us?
We could go from school to the start line at Greenwich Park which is 187.4 miles, then we could do the marathon course of 26.2 miles. We could even have a day or two walking around seeing the sights of London to cover 25 miles and then we could travel back to school from St.James Park. Wow that’s some distance we covered. Well done everyone.
The money raised has been amazing; we would love to give you a grand total as soon as possible, so if you have a sponsor form and money still to return, it would be great if we can have them in the week the children return to school.

My training is all done and I am doing short gentle runs now while my body recovers from all the training and gets me ready for the big day. I need to get lots of early nights in now to catch up on sleep, but that’s hard when the marathon is always on my mind. My latest stress has been getting from my hotel to the start line on the day. I think I’m  sorted now?and just need to pack my bag!
For anyone who would like to follow my progress on the day to check that I actually finish, there will shortly be an app available which you can download and also you can go onto the Virgin London Marathon website and track from there. My running number is 54967, registered as Nicola Cooke.
I’m not a fast runner, so don’t check in too early! The most important thing is for me to go and enjoy the day as much as I can. But yes, I do have a time I would like to do it in and I’m hoping I get over the finish line within 6hrs. So we will see. ??
Thank you to everyone for all the support I have had over the last few months; it has been very much appreciated.

If anyone has missed out on their child’s sponsor form and would like to donate or anyone that would like to donate to my page here is the link


Mini Marathon Sponsor Forms/Money

Please could all sponsor forms and monies be brought into school by Friday7th April at the latest, Thank you.

Marathon Ready!! – News from Nikki

Latest news from Nikki…

Well this week I did my last long run of 19 miles!!

According to many Marathon running plans 18-20 miles is a good guide. So I went for 19. I was advised not to do more as I have had some problems with  my Achilles and my foot arch. So for the next 3 weeks (yes, that’s all that I have left!!?) i will be doing what they call tapering and hoping to remain injury free! 

I am looking forward to joining all the children on Friday with their mini-marathon. Tell them they can prepare for it by: 1. Eating a good balanced tea the night before; 2. Get a good night’s sleep and 3. Eat a good breakfast in the morning. 

I will be doing the same thing on my marathon day too. 

Please can you remind them to BRING THEIR SPONSOR FORMS WITH THEM ON FRIDAY. Just one evening left to ask friends, family and neighbours for sponsors! 

My fundraising has been great and I now have just over £1000. If you’d like to show your support the link is


Every £ helps, and really motivates me also.


Easter Egg Competition – Reminder

All entries for the Co-op Easter Egg competition are to be handed into reception by Friday morning (31st March)

Image result for easter egg

Dinner Money

We are nearing the end of the financial year and the kitchen require any outstanding dinner money to be paid by Thursday of this week. This includes dinners taken this week.

Many thanks.


Lost uniform

Please could you check that your child has not come home in any items of clothing which belong to another child, as we have a couple of children who have mislaid sweatshirts/cardigans in the last week (both of which are labelled with their names.)  If you could also check that your child’s uniform is labelled at the same time, we would be very grateful.

Many thanks for your support.

Mini Marathon – Latest News From Nikki!

Thank you to all the children and their parents who have taken the time to create an outfit for me. The thought and effort that has been put into them all is wonderful. Choosing a winner is not going to be easy!
The winner will be announced in the celebration assembly on March 31st.
This is also the day of the Mini Marathon.

I will be at the school all day to support the children in their efforts. I am training hard every week and have just completed 18 miles. Are any of the children in training?
It may help them to get further on the day!
Every child will take part in doing laps of the field. It doesn’t matter how many they do or how fast they do it. We will count the laps completed throughout the day and see how many Marathons the children can cover between them all!
It’s all about having fun whilst being active and hopefully raising some money for the school through being sponsored by family, friends and neighbours for their efforts.
I have also been busy fundraising; my raffle raised just over £400 and with my family and friends’ donations on top of that,I have raised a total of almost £900 which is brilliant! I would love to get more for the school so I will keep fundraising.
Remember, all the money that I raise and your children raise at the Mini Marathon goes to the school, which will benefit the current and future children of Bicton School.
To thank the children for the efforts on the day and their fundraising, they will all be rewarded with a medal when they have finished their laps of the field just like a real marathon runner!
They will be returned to them by the end of the day if necessary, for them to collect any remaining sponsorship (all to be handed in by the 7th April).

Thank you so much in advance for your support with this exciting event.

Nikki x

London Marathon – Design a Costume

Nikki Cooke is running the London Marathon in April to raise money for our school. Can all completed designs for the costume be returned to the office by Thursday 2nd March.

Valentines Disco – Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Valentines Disco and to the FOBs ladies (and Doug!) for organising yet another fantastic event. It raised £329 which is an amazing amount ?