Gardening Day – Thank You

A big thank you to everyone who helped at the gardening day on Saturday.  The samba drums (purchased with some of the funds raised from the Mini Marathon) were installed, most of the bark paths were laid and a general tidy up was had so that most of the wildlife garden can now be used by the children during the school day.  Lots more painting was done as well, until the showers arrived late afternoon!

We found time during the day for everyone to look in the new eco-room and it definitely got the ‘wow’ reaction that we had hoped for! All classes will start to use the room over the next couple of weeks for Science and Design and Technology.

Another working party is planned for Saturday 24th June, which will probably be our final gardening day, and then the whole area will be finished and everything will be ready to use. We hope you can spare a couple of hours to come along and thank you to Graham, the FOBS ladies and other parents who have already offered their time.  We then just have to find a date for the official opening!

Bag2School – 12th June

Please start collecting any unwanted clothes or textiles (clean but in any condition). You will be provided with a Bag2School plastic bag (bin liners are fine too) and they will be collected from school on the morning of Monday 12th June.

This is an excellent way we can raise funds for school whilst educating the children on the importance of recycling.

They accept the following items;
Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Handbags, ties, belts, hats and soft toys

They will not accept;
Duvets, bedding, household linen
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (inc. bath, shower and toilet mats)
School uniform
Corporate clothing and work wear
Shredded or mutilated textile material
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

Further information can be found at


School Photographer Visit – 13th June

Tempest Photography will be in school next Tuesday 13th June to take individual portraits, siblings together and class photos. If you would like photographs of your child/children with younger siblings who are not in school, please be at school for just after 8:30am.

Gardening Party Saturday 10th June

Can you spare a few hours this weekend on Saturday 10th June? If so, we would love you to join us at our next gardening party.

We still have lots of fences to be painted (weather-permitting) and some of the play equipment to be reinstalled, as well as plenty of other jobs, so your help is much needed. If you would like to take part in the event on 10th June, please could you sign the contact list in reception or speak to myself or Catherine Orrell.  We are not sure yet if there will be refreshments, as we know that several of the FOBS ladies are unavailable on Saturday, but we will let you know later in the week.

Our aim is to finish as much as possible this weekend so that the children can start to enjoy the wildlife garden before the end of term!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Hope House – Wristbands

We are supporting Hope House during national Children’s Hospice week by selling their wristbands in school. We have a box of wristbands in reception and the suggested donation is £1.

Thank you.

Weekly News 19.05.17

The Corbet Diamond Festival

We hope to see some of the children at The Corbet on Saturday afternoon, where the local primary schools will be singing together – the children sounded amazing this week in assemblies when they practised the song!

Class 3 Parents’ Lunch

Class 3 children are looking forward to parents and guardians joining us for lunch next week – we hope you can join us.

New Parent Governor

We would like to welcome Mr Louis Southin as our new parent governor.

Head lice

We are aware that there are cases of head lice in school again. Please could we ask you to check your child’s/children’s hair and treat as required.  Long hair should be tied up or back. Thank for your cooperation with this.

N-CAT Research Study – Years 3 to 6

We are expecting a representative from Reading University in school next Thursday to meet with the children for whom we have received completed surveys and parental permission forms.  If you would still like your child to take part, please return the survey and permission form by Tuesday 23rd. We still have a few surveys at the school office if you have mislaid the original information pack.

Class 4 Visit to Liverpool

Please can all remaining permission slips and outstanding contributions be returned by Tuesday 23rd. We rely on parents’ voluntary contributions towards trips such as this and without them School does not have the funds available to arrange class visits.

Letters home this week

Parent governor election

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Gardening Day – THANK YOU!

Thank you to everyone who came along and helped at the gardening day on Saturday.  It was a fantastic day and, thanks to all the groundwork, gardening and painting that was done, the wildlife garden is really taking shape.  One more day should do it!

Thank you to FOBs for serving refreshments throughout the day, to the Co-op for their generous donations and to people who brought along cakes and snacks to keep everyone going.

Disabled parking spaces – polite reminder

Please could we ask you not to park in the disabled parking spaces in front of and alongside the school, unless you have a blue badge or you have mobility difficulties.  We have a number of parents/grandparents who need a disabled parking space as close as possible to the school building, especially at the end of the day.  We are aware that these spaces are frequently being used by adults who do not need a disabled space so we thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.

Gardening Party Saturday 13th May

Are you free for a few hours on Saturday 13th May?  If so, we would love you to join us at our next ‘all hands on deck’ gardening party!

We still have lots of planting to do, fences to be painted and play equipment to be reinstalled, as well as plenty of other jobs, so your help is much needed.  If you would like to take part in the event on 13th May, please could you sign the contact list in reception or speak to myself or one of the FOBS committee.  We would like to know who is coming so we can prepare the tasks and organise refreshments.

Even if you weren’t able to join us at our previous gardening day a few weeks ago, you may remember seeing the photos on the website and it really was a fantastic and very productive day for all those involved. We are hoping that this next event will help us finish as much as possible in the wildlife garden so that the children can start to enjoy it!

Thank you in advance for your support.