End-of-year reports

Hopefully your child’s report has made it home to you and you have found their teacher’s comments informative.  If you have time before Friday to complete the comments form, we would be extremely grateful.  If you have any questions about the report, please do not hesitate to speak to us.

Many thanks

Mrs Johnson and staff


School Uniform Sale

FOBS are holding a second-hand school uniform sale this Thursday. The sale will take place straight after Celebration Assembly in the ‘old’ school library then at 3:00 under the shelter on the infant playground.

They would welcome any further donations of uniform which your child has grown out of and all proceeds will go towards school funds.

Many thanks.

Gardening evening 12.07.17 – help needed!

Can anybody spare an hour this Wednesday after clubs have finished?  David Orrell and Graham will be at school from 4:30 onwards and they would really appreciate some extra pairs of hands to lay more bark on the paths and install the rest of the musical instruments in the wildlife garden.

If you are able to help, please speak to myself or to Mrs Orrell or just leave a message for us at the school office.

Thank you in advance for your support.

FOBS event – revised poster

Please see below a revised version of the poster from FOBS about the end-of-year event. Apologies about the version which was originally emailed out.

End of year event 2017

Tempest – Class Photographs

Please can we have all Class photograph orders by the end of the day tomorrow as Tempest are collecting them from us on Wednesday.

Thank you.

Tempest photos – new order deadline

Tempest have agreed to defer collecting the photo orders until Monday 27th so if you still wish to place an order you can do so on Monday. Thank you.

Sports Day Thank You!

Just a quick note (before I miss the email deadline for today) to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along to our Sports Day today. It was an absolutely fantastic day and the staff are so proud of all the children for their effort and attitude. We will upload some photos tomorrow.

Tempest Photographs

Please can we have all orders in by Thursday, 22nd June at the latest.   Tempest will collect them from us at the end the day.

Gazebos for Sports Day

As warm weather is forecast for Sports Day on Wednesday, please could you let the office know tomorrow morning if you have a gazebo that you are willing to lend us.

Many thanks

FOBS AGM 23.06.17

Dear parents and guardians,
As you know, FOBS AGM is next Friday 23rd June at 1.30 pm at the school. This is when the new committee is elected for the following year. Usually most of the committee members are reelected every year however this year we have several vacancies to be filled. At the moment we are in urgent need of finding parents willing to take on the role of Chair. Unfortunately our constitution doesn’t allow us to operate without a Chair. Therefore it is really important for FOBS and indeed the school to find someone who would like to volunteer for this role otherwise FOBS won’t be able to continue.
I have been the Chair of FOBS for nearly four years and yes, the role needs a certain degree of commitment, but in my experience it is really rewarding, good fun and I’d like to think I am leaving having made great friendships and made a difference.
If you would be interested in knowing more about the role please get in contact with me.
Kind regards
Marina Turmo-Luengo
01743 413517