Raffle Tickets – FOBs

Please can all Raffle Tickets be returned to the school office by Monday 4th December at the latest. We would appreciate if all unsold tickets are returned also. Thank you.

Christmas Baubles

Following last year’s success, we have been asked by the Co op to decorate some Christmas baubles, which will be displayed at the Co op.  These will be given out on Wednesday 29th November and need to be returned by Friday 8th December,  at the latest.

Image result for christmas bauble

Please ensure all baubles are clearly marked with you child’s name and class

Weekly News 24.11.17

NSPCC Fundraising – Thank You

We would like to say a huge thank you and well done to all the children who obtained sponsorship for the NSPCC Buddy’s Challenge.  They raised an incredible £871.80 which is an amazing achievement.  The NSPCC visited school this morning to announce the amount raised and say thank you to all the children.  I will upload a photo from the assembly over the weekend.

Governor Visit Day

Thank you to the governors who were able to give up some of their time to visit school on Friday.  They visited all classes to observe lots of activities including maths, drama (in the woods!), tennis, phonics and indoor athletics, as well as join us for the NSPCC assembly and for lunch.

No Smoking

Please can we remind all adults that smoking is not allowed anywhere on the school site at any time.  This includes no smoking in vehicles on the school car park. Thank you.

Letters out this week

December diary dates – whole school

U10s football 29.11.17 – group of Y4/5 boys

Music invoices – children who have peripatetic lessons

Christmas concerts – Classes 3,4,5

Thank you

NSPCC Sponsorship

Can all sponsorship forms and money be returned to the school office by tomorrow morning at the latest. The NSPCC are delivering a thank you assembly in the morning.

Scholastic Book Club

Please can I have all orders by the end of school tomorrow, Thursday 16th November.  Thank you

Raffle Tickets

To help raise funds for Friends of Bicton School (FOBS)  4 raffle tickets have been sent home to each family today which we would appreciate if you could sell amongst your friends and family for £1 per ticket. Your tickets will be entered in the national prize draw, which will take place on 5th January 2018, giving you an opportunity to win the prizes detailed in the poster below. 75% from the sale of each ticket will be paid to FOBS helping us raise much-needed funds for the school.

A4 Raffle Poster FOBS

We appreciate that not everyone will wish to participate in the raffle; please then simply return the unsold tickets to the school as soon as possible. For those who do wish to participate, please return the completed ticket stubs, payments and any unsold tickets to school by Monday 27th November. We thank you in advance for your support.

Non Uniform Day – Reminder

Tomorrow, Friday 3rd November, is a non-uniform day to help raise funds for school. Children are able to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for paying £1 per child (£2 per family) and some of the monies raised will be put towards buying prizes for the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

Clubs this week 30.10.17 -03.11.17

Just to confirm that cross country and Brill club are on this Friday – they may not have shown on the original clubs list but they are definitely on!

Football club has now finished until later in the spring term and we would like to say a huge thank you to James Webster for running the club last half term.


Weekly News 27.10.17

Non-uniform Fundraiser 

On Friday 3rd November (next Friday), we are having a non-uniform day to help raise funds for school. Children are able to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for paying £1 per child (£2 per family) and some of the monies raised will be put towards buying prizes for the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Mrs Johnson and FOBs


We look forward to seeing the children on Monday 30th October and hope you have a good weekend.