Changes to clubs next week

Because of the evening performances next week, the following changes to clubs will be in place.

Monday 8th


Tuesday 9th


Thursday 11th


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal at the School Office. Thank you.

Christmas Performances – new dates

Classes 1 and 2 will be performing their Nativity in Bicton Church on Friday 5th January at 9:30 a.m. and also on Monday 8th at 6:00 p.m.

Classes 3, 4 and 5 will be performing their concerts on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th January at 6:00 p.m. in the school hall.  If your child took their costume home before Christmas, please could these be brought back into school by this Thursday at the latest.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Children performing at Bicton Church

Just a reminder that KS2 children have been invited to sing at Bicton Church Carol Service on Sunday evening at 6:30 pm. The children will be singing 2 songs – Dear Santa and Because It’s Christmas – and even if your child is not in Choir but knows those 2 songs we would love them to take part.

Thank you

Nativity and Christmas Concert Performances

Dear Parents/Carers,

The update on the Nativity and Christmas Concert performances is that we will be putting them on in January and we will let you know the dates as soon as they have been arranged. The children have worked hard to prepare for them and we would like to celebrate their hard work, even if it is after the Christmas celebrations. Thank you for your support .


We regret to inform you that the engineers have been unable to repair our heating system and are unable to provide sufficient heat to the school and nursery so we have no option than to remain closed on Friday 15th December.


We are aware that the children may have things in school that they may need over the Christmas break e..g  Christmas jumpers, wellies etc so some staff will be in school from 3:00 until 4:00 on Friday afternoon to allow you to collect your child’s belongings if you wish.

Thank you again for your understanding and continued support.

Mrs Johnson.


  • Due to the adverse weather conditions, School and Nursery will be closed on Monday 11th December and will reopen on Tuesday 12th December.

The Nativity on Monday evening at Bicton Church is also cancelled.

Thank you

More Snow Forecast – Procedures for Monday morning

We are sure parents are aware that there is very heavy disruptive snow predicted for most of Sunday and this may affect our ability to open on Monday. We will let parents know as soon as possible either during Sunday or on Monday morning if the school will be closed.

Could we please remind you to listen to BBC Radio Shropshire (96FM) for up to date information on school closures or check the BBC Radio Shropshire site or the Shropshire Council site

Thank you

Snow and Bad Weather Policy and Procedures November 2017

School Closure – 12pm

We will be closing today Friday 8th December at 12.00pm, children are having an early lunch and will need to be collected at 12.00pm as we need to get pupils and staff home.

If another parent is collecting your child please let us know.


FOBs Christmas Hampers

Please see attached poster with details of when tickets for the Christmas Hampers will be be on sale and when the draws will take place.

Hamper poster

Ofsted Inspection – 5th and 6th December

We will be inspected by Ofsted on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December 2017.  Your child has been given a letter today with instructions on how to give your views about our school by completing Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View, at:

At the end of the parent letter, there is also information on how pupils can share their views by completing an online pupil questionnaire at the following link:

We thank you and your child in advance for taking the time to provide your views which we value very much.

Mrs Johnson and staff