* Reminders for returning to school *

Hello everyone

We are really looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and I just wanted to remind everyone of some important information for this week.

Drop off and collection

Please adhere to your child’s allocated time and entry/exit point – signs will be displayed on the car park to help direct families to the correct place.

School dinners

The cost of school lunch has increased to £2.30 per day.  Please send cash or a cheque into school/nursery in an envelope marked clearly with your child’s name and the amount.

Water bottles

Children must bring a water bottle with their name written on and they will bring this home at the end of every day to be washed.

Quarantine after holiday

If you have returned from a country abroad which requires you to quarantine, your child must not return to school or nursery until the end of the quarantine period. We all have a duty to keep other children and staff, (and their families) safe and we thank you for adhering to this.

Home-link books

Home-link communcation books will not be used for the near future. If you need to get a message to your child’s teacher, please email the school office at admin@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Take care and see you tomorrow!

Mrs Johnson


Hello everyone,

Following new government guidance being issued very late on Friday evening, I have updated our risk assessment this morning. The changes or additions are highlighted in yellow so if you read buy soma online with mastercard Version 8 on Friday you only need to look at the yellow sections.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V9 29.08.2020

Thank you for all your support and have a good Bank Holiday weekend.

Mrs Johnson

*Weekly news 28.08.20 *

Hello everyone

I hope you have enjoyed the last week of the holidays and survived the stormy weather!

As I’m sure you are aware, there has been a lot in the news this week about children returning to school next week. The government have updated their guidance for parents on carers on what they need to know about the autumn term.

This document has informed our updated risk assessment which is attached below for your information.


Packed lunches

If your child is bringing a packed lunch rather than having a school dinner, it doesn’t have to be in a specific type of container but please make sure the lunchbox is washed thoroughly at the end of every day. Thank you

Breakfast Club

If you require Breakfast Club for your child next week, and you have not already done so, please complete the online form no later than 5:00 pm on Monday 31st August.

If you have any questions about next week, please drop me an email and I will reply on Tuesday 1st. I can’t wait to see all the children next week!

Take care

Mrs Johnson x

*Latest update 23.08.2020*

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your emails this week and for sharing your questions and concerns.

The documents below will hopefully answer some of these.

Frequently Asked Questions – COVID-19.docx

The flowchart below explains the steps that must be taken if a child displays symptoms of COVID-19 either at home or at school.

COVID19 symptoms flow chart

Thank you to everyone who has used the online booking form to book their child/ children into Breakfast and After-school Club for the first 2 weeks of term. These places are now all confirmed.

If you have not yet booked, and you still require a place, the link to the online form is here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any unanswered questions.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Johnson

Clubs booking form

Hi everyone

Further to the letter last weekend about September opening, please see a link below to the online booking form for Breakfast and After-School Clubs.

Breakfast and After-School Clubs booking form

I have also attached the letter again below for your information.

September full opening letter

This weekend, I will emailing out a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document to answer some of the questions which you or your child may still have about September. If there is anything you would like me to include in it, please email all questions to me at head@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk by 5:00 pm on Friday 21st so that I can include them.

Take care

Mrs Johnson

*PLEASE READ – September opening letter*

Hello everyone

As explained in Friday’s weekly newsletter, please see an important letter below detailing our plans for welcoming all children back into school on September 2nd. Please contact me next week if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I can.

September full opening letter

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Year 6 Leavers Video

Saying goodbye to our Year 6s is always a really sad day and this year more than most.  Their video sums up what an amazing year group they have been and we will miss every one of you!


Thank you to Miss Carr and Mr Andrews for all their hard work (and patience!) putting this together. Enjoy! xx

*Weekly News 22nd June*

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend and that you are all keeping well.

Shropshire SEND newsletter

Plese click here to read a special COVID-19 newsletter aimed at supporting parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

First News

Please see the latest edition of First News below

First News 19.06.20

Music Awards

I know that many children who would normally receive private instrumental lessons in school have taken part in online lessons this term instead, and I have received some really good feedback from the Music Service and parents.  Mrs Mew has kindly forwarded me several certificates which she has awarded over the last couple of weeks. Well done to these children and to everyone who has taken part in the Zoom lessons.

Year 6 Corbet pupils

Just a reminder that The Corbet School have created a virtual school tour for parents and Year 6 pupils which can be accessed here or via their website at corbetschool.net

Take care

Mrs Johnson x