Weekly News 16/10/2020

Hello everyone

The weekly news this week is one full of ‘thanks.’

Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to our COVID-19 safety measure for all adults coming onto the school site to wear face masks/coverings. It’s vital that we all follow the measures in place, to keep us all safe and well, and we are grateful to all the adults who have supported this.

Thank you for the Harvest donations for the Shrewsbury Food Bank.

We would still welcome any further donations for the Shrewsbury Food Bank. They urgently need the following items:

  • size 5 and 6 nappies
  • gravy granules
  • meals in a tin e.g. chilli con carne, curry, stew
  • shampoo / conditioner

If you are able to donate any of the following items, please leave them in the plastic container outside the school office and we thank you in advance for your support.

Thank you for your support with ‘Show Racism the Red Card – Wear Red Day.’ 

The children have produced some wonderful artwork today, as part of ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ day. Keep an eye out on the website for a gallery of some of the children’s artwork.

Updated risk assessment

Please see our updated risk assessment below – the main changes are highlighted in green.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V11 15.10.2020

Reminder about paying for Clubs

Please can you make sure that any monies owing for clubs are paid in full by Friday 23rd October – the last day of this half term. Children will not be able to attend Clubs after half-term (from 2nd November) if there are monies owing. Thank you.

Finally, just a reminder that children must arrive promptly for the start of the school day. We know that there are sometimes unavoidable reasons why children are late but we are seeing an increasing number of children arriving late after their designated entrance has been closed. We cannot have lots of children from different bubbles coming through the main entrance in the morning, as this poses a potential risk to staff and other children.

Have  a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Message from Severn Loop Parishes

Dear Friends,
Please  see our weekly news, readings and reflections below.
I hope all is well with you, in what has been a challenging week in our life together as a nation.
Just a few things to mention – please do take note of our plans for our Remembering with Love and Remembrance services this year. This week on Pyjama Church we’re going to be focusing on one of the miracle stories – Calming the Storm – something that feels very timely! Look out for a couple of our Bicton pupils. Do join if you’d like to – any time after 6pm on Sunday evening.
Finally, it’s not too late to watch our Harvest Celebration (link in the Loop), which has now had 94 views – not far off 100… let’s see if we can get there…!
Mary-Lou has had some time off this week- we hope and pray that it’s been lovely.
Love and Blessings,

News from Severn Loop Parishes

Dear Friends,
I hope you are all keeping well. Please see this week’s readings and reflections below, along with a message from Mary-Lou.
If you haven’t already seen our harvest video, do take a look at:
Also, Pyjama Church this week is focusing on my favourite ever bible story- the woman at the well (https://www.facebook.com/trinitychurchesshrewsbury/live). It’s told in Playmobil- enjoy!
With love and blessings,
Hannah x

Weekly news 09/10/2020

Hello everyone

We hope you are all keeping healthy and staying safe.

Important message from Bicton Governors and Staff

We are doing everything possible to keep everyone in our school community safe and well and we thank you for your support in following our protective measures.

From Monday 12th October, we are asking all adults getting out of their vehicles on our school site, particularly at drop off and pick up times, to WEAR A FACE COVERING / MASK. 

Please remember that only one adult should be getting out of your vehicle and children should not be allowed to run around whilst waiting to go in / waiting for siblings to go in or come out at the end of the day. This is to keep you and others safe and we need everyone to respect this.

Please support us in adhering to these requests so that we can keep all of our families and staff safe and healthy, which will ultimately allow us to keep all of our children in school for as long as possible.

Thank you from Mrs Johnson, Staff and Governors


Harvest donations request for Shrewsbury Food Bank

Even though we cannot have our traditional Harvest service for families this year, we would still welcome any donations for the Shrewsbury Food Bank. They urgently need the following items:

  • size 5 and 6 nappies
  • gravy granules
  • meals in a tin e.g. chilli con carne, curry, stew
  • shampoo / conditioner

If you are able to donate any of the following items, please leave them in the plastic container outside the school office and we thank you in advance for your support.

Clubs booking form is attached below

Childcare online booking form 19/10/2020 to 23/10/2020

Myddle Fun Run

Have a good weekend.

sQuid payments

Thank you for the fantastic response to sQuid following the registration letters being sent out on Wednesday.

As we said in the registration letter, the system is not going live until Monday 2nd November. This is so that all parents have chance to register and to allow Shire Services to transfer any credits across to parents’ sQuid accounts.

If you have already paid money into your sQuid ‘catering purse’:

  • it cannot be used to pay for school dinners before the system goes live on 2nd November – you will still need to send dinner money in as normal
  • it cannot be transferred to your sQuid ‘trips and offers purse’
  • you need to email sQuid directly from the website/App as we do not have authority to move your funds from one purse to another.

The weekly online form to book clubs will still be used for all clubs bookings until half term. We will let you know in due course how to book clubs for 2nd November onwards.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Neal in the school office.

Thanks for your support.

Mrs Johnson

*PLEASE READ* Remote learning provision

We are sure you are probably aware that there have been a number of cases of COVID-19 in Shropshire schools over the past couple of weeks. This has required children and staff from these schools to self-isolate and remain at home.

Next week we will be sending out a parent factsheet and our Remote Learning Policy. These will explain our expectations, how we will be supporting your child, and what we need you to do, if your child has to self-isolate and learn remotely from home.

In the meantime, we need to know as soon as possible what access your child has to a device at home e.g. laptop or tablet.  Please complete the survey below as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday 6th October.

Devices for remote learning survey

More details on how we will be providing remote education will follow next week.

Please do not be alarmed by this request and worry that we are contacting you because we are expecting something to happen next week. We are just trying to make sure that our famlies and staff are as best prepared as they possibly can be, in the event of us having to send a group of children home to self-isolate or if there is a local lockdown.

Thank you in advance for your support and please stay safe.

Mrs Johnson and staff


Flu Vaccination

Unfortunately the Immunisation Team were unable to get to our school today. Mrs Johnson is very sorry about this, and will be speaking to them regarding the inconvenience and disruption this has caused.

The nursing team have said they will be with us tomorrow, Friday 2nd October, to give the vaccination.

PLEASE READ Flu immunisation reminder

If you haven’t returned your child’s form, and you want them to receive the flu immunisation on Thursday 1st October, please return it tomorrow.

Thank you

Weekly News 25.09.2020

Hello everyone

I hope you have all had a good week. The change in temperature has certainly made it feel more like we are in the autumn term but thankfully our children and staff seem to be keeping well and we have less children suffering from colds and runny noses!

There is a lot of information I need to share this week, so I ask that you take a few minutes to read everything in full.

URGENT REMINDER – Parents MUST follow social distancing on our school site

Please can we remind all parents and adults dropping off / collecting children from school/nursery, that YOU MUST LEAVE THE CAR PARK IMMEDIATELY after your child has gone in or you have collected them. We cannot have groups of parents staying to chat on the car park once their child has gone in or whilst children run around/play in the trees at the end of the school day. We are doing everything we can within school to keep our children, staff and visitors safe so WE NEED YOU TO DO THE SAME.

Only one parent should get out of your vehicle at drop off or collection time and we ask that you do not allow your child to run around whilst they are waiting to go in. Thank you.

Passing on messages / information to staff

If you need to get a message to your child’s teacher, and you do not manage to speak to a member of staff at drop off in the morning, please phone school or email our school office on admin@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk and they will get a message to your child’s class. Teachers do not get chance to check their emails during the day so important messages may not be seen before the end of the day.

Flu immunisation – PLEASE RETURN FORMS

If you have not yet returned the flu immunisation form, which your child brought home, please return it on Monday 28th. We need to collate the responses for the Immunisation Team who will be visiting us on Thursday 1st October. If you do not return the form, your child will not be able to have the immunisation.


You may have heard about the NHS COVID-19 App which was released yesterday. Please see more information about it below or visit https://covid19.nhs.uk/

Introducing the NHS COVID-19 App

NHS COVID 19 App – parents factsheet

Public Health England – Letter to parents 

23rd September – PHE letter to parents and guardians

Clubs booking form

Clubs booking form 05/10/20 to 09/10/20

sQuid – Online payments

We will be sending out a letter on Monday regarding sQuid which will be followed shortly afterwards by a separate letter containing your registration details.

sQuid flyer

Bringing things in from home

Just a reminder that children must not bring toys, including trading cards, in to school.

Information from Moreton Hall School

Moreton Hall Open Day Oct 2020 Flyer

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson