Getting tested for Coronavirus – animated video for children

Hello everyone

Please see an animated video below, which one of our parents has very kindly signposted us to. The video for children explains what happens when you are tested for coronavirus and addresses some of the fears children may have about being tested.

Getting tested for Coronavirus – animated video for children

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Booking and paying for Clubs through sQuid

From Monday 23rd November, Breakfast Club, 8:30 Club and After School Club will need to be booked and paid for through the school’s payment system, sQuid.

All clubs will be available to you to book and pay through the Trips and Offers purse as a Booking. You can access the booking area now but can only book clubs from Monday 23rd November onwards and payment will be needed at the time of booking.

You will be able to select which clubs your child will be attending on which dates and pay the amount that is required. If your child attends the same clubs each week, you can book and pay weekly. monthly or for the whole term if you prefer.

If you have already paid for clubs in advance, you do not need to go in and book/pay again as I am aware of who has already paid and for which clubs. Once you have used all of your credit, you will need to book for future clubs using the booking system. If you are unsure how much in credit you are, please contact the school office.


Important letter – please read 17.11.2020

Hello everyone

Please see an important letter below which is also being sent home today in paper form. A separate letter has been posted on the website for Hazel parents.

Letter to whole school 17.11.20

Thank you for your support and please stay safe.

Mrs Johnson x

*Weekly News 13/11/20*

Hello everyone

We have had a wonderful week in school and the children continue to amaze us every day with their resilience.


ACTIONS FOR PARENTS (see Government Guidance updated 12 November 2020)

Do not send your child to their nursery, childminder, school or college if:

Arrange a test if you or your child develops symptoms. Inform your nursery, childminder, school or college of the results.

If the test is positive, follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, and engage with the NHS Test and Trace process.


See our updated risk assessment below with amendments highlighted in grey.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V14 13.11.2020

News from our Governing Body

Please see a newsletter below from our Chair of Governors. Our Governing Body are looking forward to being able to share news with you on a regular basis throughout the year.

Governor Newsletter November 2020

We have one vacancy for a parent governor. Please keep an eye out next week in your child’s bag for a letter about this position.

sQuid bookings

The online childcare booking form will not be used after Friday 20th. The link to book clubs for next week is below.

Childcare booking form 16/11 to 20/11/20

From Monday 23rd November, all bookings for childcare (before and after-school clubs) will need to be booked on sQuid. A letter is being sent home / emailed out next week with instructions on how to do this. In the meantime, take a look under the ‘Bookings’ section in your ‘Trips and Offers’ purse and you will see the sessions ready to be booked.

Sweets Sale on Friday 20th

As FOBS are unable to run their Friday sweet sales at the moment, to raise much-needed funds for school, they have come up with an alternative. On Friday 20th, children can buy a pre-prepared mixed bag of sweets for 50p. (Vegetarian sweets can also be pre-ordered in advance, by emailing school no later than 12:30 pm on Thursday.) The bags of sweets will be sold in each classroom at the end of the afternoon for children to take home.

Children need to bring the correct money in an envelope or clear bag and the monies collected will be passed to the FOBs treasurer the following week. FOBS have also got a PayPal account, which they set up earlier this year to raise funds for our school library. Parents can pay for sweets directly through this account here, to save children having to bring money into school.

Children In Need

Thank you for your donations towards Children In Need. We rasied just over £105.

Harvest donations

Thank you for your generous donations for the Shrewsbury Food Bank, which were delivered to them this week.

Have a good weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Parent Meetings

Telephone parent meetings are being held between 9th November and 26th November. If you haven’t yet booked an appointment can you please do so through the school website.

Thank you.

* Weekly News 06.11.2020*

Hi everyone

I hope you’ve had a good week. It has been lovely to see the children back in school this week and hear what they have been up to during the half-term holiday.

Printed newsletter 06.11.2020

Children have been given a paper copy of this parent newsletter 06.11.20 today. We ask that you read it in full, even if you feel that some parts may not apply to you, and we thank you in advance for doing so.

Parent meetings

As explained in the newsletter, the parent meetings booking system is now open. Please visit the Noticeboard in the school news area of the website to book an appointment.

Children in Need

Next Friday 13th November, it is Children In Need day. Children can come to nursery/school wearing something spotty or something which makes them smile or feel happy. A reminder with more info will be sent out next week.

School uniform shop – important message below

School Shop Direct Covid November 2020 general letter to parents

Clubs booking form

Fortnightly childcare booking form

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Remembrance Day Poppies

Each class have a supply of Poppies and other British Legion products that the children can purchase this week to support The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The suggested donations are between 50p and £1.50.

Latest News 20.10.2020

Hi everyone

Please read the following important messages.

Dinner money – REMINDER

All outstanding dinner money must be paid by Thursday 22nd. If you are in credit, any monies will be transferred over to your sQuid account. Please note, a negative balance i.e. monies owing, cannot be transferred over to sQuid as the system does not allow this. Thank you

Parking – polite reminder

We have been contacted by several parents regarding issues on our school car park. We are very fortunate in having such a large car park particularly when the majority of primary schools do not have any parking on site for parents.  Please can all adults driving onto the school car park adhere to the following, especially at the end of the school day:

  • Do not block other vehicles in then leave your vehicle unattended.
  • Do not park in the bus lane or on the island next to the bus lane.
  • Vehicles are not permitted to drive down the side of the school, at the start or end of the school day, as this poses a risk to children and adults walking to and from the Hall. This area is for staff vehicles only.
  • When the car park is full, use the Village Hall car park instead.

Message from Meole Brace School for Year 6 parents 

Dear Year 6 parents,

Meole Brace School are holding another ‘Live Zoom Event’ on Thursday 22 October from 4.30 to 5.15pm. Information can be found on our website: and click on the heading  ‘News and Events’ the ‘Virtual Open Tour’. Parents are asked to email with any questions and if parents wish to attend an invitation and password to the ‘Zoom Event’ will be given.

Many thanks  – Meole Brace School