Wi-Fi access at home

If you are struggling for your child to access the internet at home, while they are not attending school, please contact me at head@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk.

We have secured a small number of Vodafone SIM cards / BT Wi-Fi vouchers which enable a laptop or iPad to connect to the internet using a personal hotspot.

Weekly news 15.01.21

Hello everyone

I hope this weekly email finds you well and thank you for all your support over this past week.

Please read an update below on our remote learning provision for KS1 and KS2.

remote learning 15.1.21

Letter from Vicky Ford MP – Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families

Attendance at education settings
In the face of the rapidly rising numbers of cases of COVID-19 across the country and intense pressure on the NHS, it is essential that we reduce opportunities for mixing and transmission. For this reason, only vulnerable children and young people (including those with EHC plans) and children of critical workers should attend their school or college.

The above is an extract from her letter which can be read in full here.

First News digital edition

First News are making their digital version of their children’s newspaper available again, during the current lockdown. The difference this time is that you need to click on the link here and enter this code FNLOCKDOWN3 to view the latest issue.

Have a safe weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Important information 14.01.21 – PLEASE READ

Hello everyone

If you did not see my message earlier on Tapestry / Class Dojo, please can I ask you to read it. The information from Shropshire Council is shown in the poster below.

If you have one or more of these other symptoms shown in the poster, visit the GOV.UK website to book a COVID-19 test.

Please note when completing the form, in the section “Why are you getting tested?“, please select:

As we said in our letter last week, children MUST NOT be brought to school or nursery if they have been given Calpol and are feeling unwell. This is vital to keep everyone safe – children, staff and their families at home.

Despite what some in the public domain may be saying, schools are not closed. We have up to 50 children attending every day, (which includes over 35% of our primary-aged children), along with all of our staff who are working incredibly hard to provide education for the children learning remotely at home and those in school.

We fully understand how difficult it can be, if your child is not attending school at this time.  We are extremely grateful for all the support you are giving your child/children at home and we will be sending out an update on home learning tomorrow.
Thank you and stay safe.

Critical worker and vulnerable children provision

Hello everyone

You may be aware that the government updated their guidance for schools on Friday evening about which children can attend schools during the current lockdown.

To keep the children attending school, our staff and our families safe, we ask you to only use the provision if you cannot keep your child at home. This is made clear in the updated guidance: Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required, but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.

Thank you for your support and understanding, and for helping us to get through these worrying times as safely as we can.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Weekly News 08.01.2021

Hello everyone

We cannot begin to thank you enough for all your support this week and what a week it has been! We are sure that you are as relieved as all the staff are that Friday has finally arrived and it is hard to believe that we are only at the end of the first week. I know, or rather I hope, that I will sleep well tonight!

The way in which children (and parents) have engaged with remote learning has blown us away and we have been so impressed with the work the children have submitted this week. Families have adapted to using Teams so quickly and coped with a range of technical difficulties amazingly well. We know that many of you are juggling your own work commitments and often trying to support more than one child at home. We are so grateful for everything you are doing to support your child’s education.

I spoke to several classes this morning over Teams and mentioned that we are reviewing how the teachers feedback to children on the work they have submitted. The letter below outlines what this will look like from next week onwards and I ask that you bear with us if we need to make further changes over the coming weeks.

KS1 & KS2 Remote Learning Update 08.01.2021

Public health Information 

Shropshire Public Health Nursing Service – Newsletter

I hope you have a good weekend and please stay safe.

Mrs Johnson x

Weather warning for Friday 8th January

We are aware that snow is forecast for tomorrow. If the school is closed we will make you aware by 7:30 am and all children will move to remote learning. Thank you

Laptops loaned from school

We are aware that some laptops loaned from school will not connect to the internet when the children log in as a pupil, despite us altering the settings to enable them to do so. We are working as quickly as we can to get this problem resolved.

If you collected a laptop on Wednesday and you have not already contacted us to report the issue, please can you do so as a matter of urgency by emailing the school office at admin@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

We will then confirm what we need you to do and your child’s teacher will be informed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

URGENT – Critical worker/vulnerable children provision

Good afternoon everyone

Thank you for completing the online form requesting a critical worker/vulnerable child place. We have had a very high number of requests for places which we are working through as quickly as we can.

The details of the provision will be posted on the website later today but, in the meantime, your child’s teacher will be contacting you via email/Class Dojo/Tapestry to confirm if your child has a full-time place from tomorrow. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL/NURSERY UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD YOU HAVE A CONFIRMED PLACE.

Thank you for your continued support and stay safe.

Mrs Johnson x