Red Nose Day – Friday 19th March

This Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day.  Children are invited to come to school wearing something Red or something that makes them happy!

We ask children NOT to bring Red Noses this year

To avoid any cash donations coming into school, we have set up a JustGiving page instead. If you are able to make £1.00 donation that would be great. The link to the JustGiving page is:

Thank you in advance for your support.


We are aware that some of our pupils and parents are visiting Bicton village park outside school hours and this includes children from different bubbles. In school, we go to great lengths to keep our bubbles separate to keep pupils, staff and families safe.

The last thing we want is for a bubble, let alone multiple bubbles, to have to close. Please stick to the rules and do not mix with families outside of your support bubble.

Thank you

Weekly newsletter 05.03.21

Hello everyone,

Just in case you didn’t see my email on Thursday, I am sending it out again today. Please take the time to read my letter and the latest risk assessment.

Rapid lateral flow testing for households and bubbles of school pupils

Please click this link Rapid testing for households for information on the rapid flow testing now available to all families.

Useful book for families


sQuid reminder

Please remember that all school dinner money and club fees must be paid on sQuid. If you do not have your registration number, please contact Mrs Neal at the school office. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing you next week and we hope you have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson and staff x

IMPORTANT information from Mrs Johnson

Hello everyone,

We hope your child is looking forward to returning to school / nursery next week – we can’t wait to see them back with us!

Please see below important information which I need everyone to read: a letter from staff, our risk assessment and a reminder of the times etc.

Letter from Mrs Johnson 04.03.21

Our risk assessment has been updated with the changes highlighted in blue. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and, most importantly, for following the measures in place.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V18 02.03.2021

Reminder of daily procedures and COVID-19 measures

The information below is included in the risk assessment as well.

Class Drop-off Entry/exit Location Collection These arrangements will be kept under constant review and changed as necessary.
Nursery 8:50 Nursery metal gate 2:50
Willow 9:00 – 9:05 Nursery metal gate 3:00
Hazel 8:55 – 9:00 Blue wooden gate 3:05
Rowan/Maple 8:45 – 8:55 Hall door 3:15
Oak 8:45 – 8:55 Blue wooden gate 3:15
  • Breakfast club and after-school clubs will run as normal and should be booked and paid for in advance via sQuid.
  • School dinners should be booked and paid for via sQuid or children can bring a packed lunch.
  • School uniform should be worn and children should only bring essential items: coat/lunch bag/water bottle/book bag and reading book.
  • Adults must wear a face covering when coming onto the school site unless they are exempt.
  • Children or parents should not come onto the school site if they have COVID-19 symptoms

If you have any questions about next week, plese do not hesitate to get in touch.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Johnson x


Non-screen activities for Thursday 4th March

World Book Day – Important changes

As we explained in the weekly news last week, we are NOT DRESSING UP FOR WORLD BOOK DAY this week. Instead, we have attached below some book-based ideas for non-screen activities that children may want to complete on Thursday.

Non-screen activities 7 – from Pobble

We are planning an exciting week of literacy-themed activities once all children return and are settled back into school life. The week will culminate in a dressing up day so children (and staff!) will not miss out – they will just wait a little bit longer to dress up! 

Weekly News 26.02.21

Hello everyone

I hope you all had a good half term and have enjoyed the lovely sunshine this week!

There is a lot of information in today’s newsletter so I thank you in advance for taking the time to read it.

Returning to school

As I’m sure you are now aware, the government have announced that all children will return to school on Monday 8th March. We cannot wait to see everyone back in school and we have really missed you!

Our risk assessment is being updated in preparation for 8th March and it will be uploaded to the website and emailed out to you next week. Please read it carefully and we need everyone to follow the measures and procedures in place, so that we can keep everyone safe. Thank you.

On Friday 5th March, there will be NO LIVE LESSONS but assignments will still be set as normal for children to complete at home or in school (for those children currently attending.) This is so we can prepare for all children returning to school on Monday 8th March.

World Book Day – Important changes

On World Book Day next Thursday, we would normally dress up and take part in book-themed activities. As many of our children are not in school at the moment, we are NOT DRESSING UP NEXT WEEK. Instead we will send out ideas next week for non-screen based literacy activities that children may want to complete on Thursday.

We are planning an exciting week of literacy-themed activities once all children return and are settled back into school life. The week will culminate in a dressing up day so children (and staff!) will not miss out – they will just wait a little bit longer to dress up! 

Shrewsbury’s Great Big Art Exhibition
Our pupils have been invited to get involved with Shrewsbury’s Great Big Art Exhibition!
This is Shrewsbury’s own version of the national event, launched by Antony Gormley. Original Shrewsbury is inviting entries on an animal theme with the idea of having 70 or so flags made up to hang across Shrewsbury High Street.
So there’s a very real chance that our pupils will see their own work flying high across Shrewsbury this summer!
Please keep entries big, bright and colourful and on A4 paper – imagine what they would look like hanging high in the sky. The theme is ANIMALS. 
All pictures will need to be dropped off (hard copies!) at the Darwin Shopping Centre, on the Upper Level between Claire’s and Card Factory by 19th March. There will be a box to collect them there.  If you are not able to deliver your entry yourself, please bring it into school and we will arrange for somebody to deliver them.
So get involved (under 16s only) and see your flag flying high above town!
For more information visit :

Climate Coalition – Show the Love campaign

Thank you for sending in your photos of the beautiful green hearts you made at home. Here’s a taste below …

Free e Books

Please see below two e Books which might be of interest to you and your child.



First News 

Please click here and enter code FNLOCKDOWN3 to view this week’s First News.

And finally…

I hope you have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing your photos next week of you looking after yourselves on Wellbeing Wednesday.

Take care

Mrs Johnson x


Spring term parent meetings

Teachers will shortly be contacting parents of children who are currently attending school, to arrange to speak to you over the telephone for our spring term parent meetings. You will be contacted initially by Class Dojo / Tapestry. The school office may telephone you, if teachers are not able to make contact with you.

Meetings for children who are not currently attending school will be arranged for later this term.

Speak Out Stay Safe Online Assembly – Tuesday 23rd February

We have been informed today that the NSPCC are delivering a Speak out Stay safe virtual assembly on Facebook at 10am on Tuesday 23rd February.

They have special celebrity appearances from Ant and Dec and David Walliams, and their assembly helps children understand the importance of talking about their worries, and how Childline can support them. The NSPCC are hoping this will be a fun yet really informative opportunity for schools and parents home schooling alike.

Here’s the link