Flu Immunisations 25 November 2024 for ACTION PLEASE

If you would like your child to have the Flu immunisation in school on 25th November, please follow the link on the attached letter, the link closes on 20th November 2024 at 9.00am

If you would like to complete a paper copy, please collect one from the school office. This will need to be returned by 20th November also.

Bicton CofE Primary School Flu letter 2024

Clubs this week


There will be Emergency Childcare only until 4:30pm during this week (Monday 17th July –
Thursday 20th July). There will be NO after school provision on Friday 21st July. Please book and pay through sQuid.

Children In Need – Friday 18th November

Get your pyjamas or spotty outfit at the ready for Children In Need next Friday! We ask that all children pay £1.00 donation towards the charity and we thank you in advance for your support. We’d also welcome donations of cakes or biscuits for our cake sale.

After-school clubs provision

Please remember to book your child into after-school clubs, so that registers can be prepared in advance of the clubs and staff know how many children are attending. We ask that children are collected promptly at 4:30pm please.

As we explained in our clubs letter last week, we are trialling a Sunset Club. This is in response to the summer term parent survey, which identified a need for this provision.  Take-up so far has been very low and it will not be viable for us to continue the club if numbers do not increase. The club runs from 4:30pm to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday and includes a hot snack and drink for only £4 per session per child.