Stomp, Chomp, Big Roars! Here come the dinosuars!
Hi Nursery Children and adults,
I hope you enjoyed some of ast weeks activities. Thank you to the Mummies and Daddies who have emailed me photos and updates on how their children are getting on. Do keep emailing and stay in touch –
This week’s activities are all based around the story ‘Stomp, Chomp, Big Roars! Here come the dinosuars!’

Have fun!
Ms Stone x
Watch and listen to me reading the story – don’t forget to join in!
Listen out for words that rhyme as I read the story.
Dinosaurs begin with the ‘d’ sound, can you look around your house and see if you can spot more things that also begin with the sound ‘d’
Turn your ‘d’ sound hunt into a game of eye spy!
If you have other Dinosaur books at home, share them with your adult, for example the Harry and the Dinosaur stories.
Put your dinosaurs in size order, which is the tallest? The smallest? The longest?
Sort your dinosaurs out into groups – spikey ones / tall ones /long ones / brown ones etc.
How many ways can you sort them? How many are in each group? Which group has the most / least dinsouars?
How many dinonsaurs can fit into a….. try different size containers, encorage your child to count as they place one more in (if you haven’t got dinosaurs use other small play animals). You can also count the dinosaurs back out. WHich container can hold the most? Least?
Play the story
Stomp like a dinosaur – as you walk around the house or garden stomp like dinosaurs saying the rhymes as you go. Wearing big boots for this would be fun!
Sand play – if you have access to a sand pit / soil at home your child could re create pages from the book with their toy dinosaurs (or other small toys pretending to be dinosaurs).
Water play – the toy dinosaurs can join your child in the bath and dive in as if diving into a swamp while you repeat some of the rhymes again.
or give your Dinisaurs a bath!

Make a dinosaur puppet
You can make a simple dinosaur puppet with your child from a fairly long sock. Felt would be ideal for eyes, teeth and spines but you could use other materials such as buttons for eyes and coloured cellophane for spines. Watch the video for more ideas.
If you make a pair of dinosaur sock puppets they could be the ‘best of friends!’

Create a junk model dinsoaur (or dinosaurs!)

Make a Dinosaur footprint track

Outdoor ideas – find a space, or even better somewhere with a gentle slope, so that your child can roll like a dinosaur. Play dinosaur hide and seek.
SIng and move with Mother Goose’s Dinosaur Stomp Song:

Do some Cosmic Yoga with Tiny the T-Rex

or a 5 minute Dinosuar Disco!