News from Nursery

I had the privilege of attending our nursery children’s ‘graduation’ and watching their performance of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. I’ll upload some more photos and a short video, once I’ve checked which children are allowed to appear on our website, so keep an eye out next week!

EYFS donations

Thank you for the donations received this term for our Early Years areas – the children and staff are so grateful!

Please see an updated ‘wish list’ below and we thank you in advance for anything you are able to donate.

NEW EYFS poster March 23

Nursery’s surprise visitors!

Our Nursery children had a surprise visit from Shropshire Fire Service. They even got to talk to children in other classes over the firefighters’ radio!

Applications for Reception 2022

The closing date for school applications for Reception 2022 is 15th January 2022. If you have not already done so, please apply using the link below as soon as possible.

News from Nursery

We are really looking forward to seeing you back in Nursery next week!
Please check the school website for any updates. (The latest risk assessment has been emailed out to parents today.)
Just a reminder that we are open 8.50am – 2.50pm.  Morning session 8.50am – 11.30am.
Please bring a drink of water, your lunch if you are having a packed lunch, a bag with spare clothes, and a warm coat.
We are now using Tapestry, to upload photos and observations of your child’s time in Nursery.  It will be great if you can look at this and comment or upload photos and information about your child too.  There is a video below with further information.
On Wednesday morning March 10th, we are taking the Nursery children and Willow class into Forest School, so please bring your child in suitable warm outdoor clothing and a change of clothes too.
(We have got waterproofs and wellies your child can wear as necessary.)
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about your child returning next week.
See you soon.

Love Miss.  Stone

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Good Morning Acorns and Willow Class.  Ms Stone, myself and staff hope you have all had a super weekend.

Thank you for all the lovely feedback from last week’s story, we especially enjoyed seeing photos of some of the delicious Gingerbread Men that were baked.

This week our story is Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, once again presented by Ms Stone.  Enjoy, we hope you have a good week.

Mrs Bowes & Ms Stone

Home learning activities, week beginning 18.05.2020

Hello Nursery Children and adults, I hope you enjoyed some of the Dear Zoo activities from last week.

This week we will look at the song ‘5 Little Ducks’.  Mrs Ryan has also recorded a message for you and she needs your help to find Ted!

Have fun,

Ms Stone –

5 Little Ducks went swimming one day

EAD : Sing the song with your child, encouraging them to join in with finger and arm actions.


PSED: Talk about how mother duck felt when she was losing her ducklings.  What do you think haopened to the Ducklings?


Maths:  Number names to five, more, fewer, duck, duckling, pond, far, away, over

Ask questions –

* There are two ducklings on the pond and three far away. How many are there all together?

* There are only four ducklings on the pond. How many are lost?

Use these counting cards – -Five-Little-Ducks-Countinig-Cards .



Make your own props to retell the story –

Our Crafts ~N~ Things » Blog Archive » Duck Pond  The Lion is a Bookworm: Storytime: Ducks   Five Little Ducks Craft - Messy Little Monster


Hello and find the Teddy from Mrs Ryan

Have a go at hiding you own Teddy (toys).  Give clues how to find him.  Send photos of where your Teddy was hiding to Mrs Ryan –

Ted begins with ‘t’.  Have a look around your home and see what other things you can find that begin with the sound ‘t’.

Home learning activities week beginning 11.05.2020

Hi Nursery Children and adults,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the lovely weather last week.  This week I have 2 videos for you – Dear Zoo and The Hello song from Mrs Tan.

Thank you adults who have emailed me over the week, I have loved seeing all the children’s photos, videos and hearing your news.  If you haven’t been in touch yet, my email is –

Ms Stone x

These two activity books contain plenty of activities for your child to do:


Dear zoo activities 2


Listen to me read the story and join in!


Make your own puppets or use your own small world animals to retell the story.


What animal did the child get first? Second?  Third etc?  What animal did the child get last?

How many animals were sent to the child?  (use your puppets/or small world animals for your child to count).

Which animal was the tallest? The smallest?




Add animal faces onto cupcakes.

titled image (and shown) Zoo Animal Cupcakes

Here is a simple cupcake recipe:


  • 125g butter softened/margarine
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 125g self raising flour
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1tsp vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 180C/gas mark 4.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl.
  3. Stir in the beaten eggs and vanilla extract.
  4. Sift in the self raising flour and mix until just combined. Take care not to overmix.
  5. Transfer the mixture into cupcake cases, filling half way.
  6. Bake in oven for 20 minutes.
  7. When the cupcakes are ready they will have risen and be a golden brown colour. If in doubt, check they are cooked though by inserting a metal skewer/cocktail stick and checking if it comes out dry.
  8. When the cupcakes have cooled down on a wire rack, you can decorate them.


Watch the Hello song from Mrs Tan 

Watch this musical version of the story

Sing – along to these animals songs

video thumbnail

Learn these animal songs with your child

Make animal masks and puppets:

Zoo animals crafts and activities for toddlers





The child described the camel as ‘too grumpy’.  Do you ever get grumpy?  What makes you grumpy?  What to you to help you not feel grumpy?