Muddy Monday 11.11.24

At Forest School, we retold the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’, the children were all given a character and a part to act out in the story, they loved saying the repeated phrase ‘Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man’.
The children decorated a Gingerbread Man made out of cardboard, using dried leaves and flowers – when the children scrunched up the leaves they listened to the sounds they made, they liked how the leaves felt lightly, crumbling through their fingers.

Floral Baubles

Today, the children made some floral baubles to take home. A beautiful bright mix of colours. It created opportunities for discussion and added to the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world.


Miss Merricks did an experiment with the children to give them a better understanding about germs, how to stop them spreading and careful hygiene. The children were fascinated!

We followed this up with a song



Gingerbread Men

The children enjoyed baking Gingerbread Men this week, Mrs Holloway shared her special recipe.


Nursery 21.10.24

A lovely last week of term, we have celebrated a 4th birthday, the children enjoyed some delicious cakes brought in by a parent.

This week children have enjoyed using the felt tip pens to trace patterns and shapes, they have been creative with paints using vehicles to make marks, drawn around wooden animal stencils then collaged and helped decorate lettering for our display board ‘Acorns Favourite Books’.

Our colour of the week was blue so we were looking at objects inside and outside, coloured blue. We continued looking at numerals 0-3, the children are starting to recognise these numbers out of order (which is amazing) – they also had a go at painting them.

The children have all been a super helpers looking after our indoor and outdoor space. They have swept, tidied and washed up after snack. Thank you!


Nursery 14.10.24

Our colour of the week was red, during circle time the children sorted objects into two groups, red and not red. They also went on a hunt for red objects inside and outside nursery. In the maths area, the children sorted letters by shape and posted them in the circle, triangle, rectangle or square postbox. 

Incy Wincy Spider visited our fine motor area, the children enjoyed matching the colours on the lollipop sticks to the colours on the spiders legs, they used critical thinking and problem solving skills to help them.
For personal, social and emotional development over the course of the week we looked at healthy and not healthy foods.


Jam sandwiches

Last week, after reading ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ (which the children absolutely loved), we made jam sandwiches in nursery. The children followed our instructions and we used language such as first, then, now, next and finally. The children’s favourite part was eating their sandwich at snack time!