Hi Nursery Children,
I hope you enjoyed ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ last week. Over the Easter Holiday I would like you to listen to the Story ‘We’re going on an Egg Hunt.’

Here are activities linked to this story for you to do :
PD and EAD: Ask a grown up to draw some big and small egg shapes. Can YOU use scissors and cut them out? You could decorate the eggs with different colours and patterns. Put them around your house and do an Easter egg hunt or you could even stick them onto card and send someone an Easter card!
Can you do some junk modelling? Maybe you could make an Easter basket, bonnet, or bunny!
Another day have a go at making a bunch of spring flowers to brighten up your home.
Literacy: Egg starts with an ‘e’ sound. Can you think of any other words or names that have an ‘e’ sound at the beginning? What sound is at the beginning of your name? Can you think of any other words that have that sound at the beginning? What about the names of family and friends?
Re watch the video of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. Which parts of the story are the same and which parts are different to the Egg Hunt story?
Maths – Sing or say the rhyme 5 Easter Eggs. Practice addition and subtraction by using real or pretend coins to pay for the eggs. Use bigger numbers in the song if you can.
5 Easter eggs in the sweet shop,
Round and fat with a ribbon on the top,
Along came_____with a penny one day,
Brought an Easter egg and took it away!
Why not set up your own shop? Make price labels, count or add up totals, ask politely for the money, and check the coins.
Listening Skills – Open a window or go outside and lie on the grass. Close your eyes and your lips and listen.
What different sounds can you hear? Maybe you could draw a picture of the things you could hear. Try this at different times of the day. Are the sounds the same?
UTW: Find out more about Easter https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/lets-celebrate-easter
People eat chocolate and treats at Easter. Can you make any Easter treats to share with the people in your house?
Have fun and enjoy Easter.
Ms Stone