Class 3 weekly update

In English this week the children have been identifying features of a recount and identifying time conjunctions (e.g. first, then, next), conjunctions (e.g. because, and, but) and the writers thoughts and feelings.  They then used these features to plan their own recount about their visit to Chester Zoo last week, remembering to make notes in chronological order.  The children wrote some very detailed plans and we look forward to reading their recounts next week.  In Read, Write, Inc ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ group have been working through the stories ‘Lost’ and ‘In the sun’.  The main focus for those working independently has been using the past and present tenses correctly and using them consistently in a descriptive piece of writing.

In maths the children have been focusing on subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number.  They have used a range of apparatus such as Base 10 and the number line to support them with their working out.  They have also been using their number bonds to 10 to subtract more effectively by partitioning the numbers on the number line.

In science this week we have been discussing and describing the importance of hygiene and understanding some of the ways we can stay hygienic.  The children all had a very good understanding of how they can stay hygienic, like washing their hands with soap, brushing their teeth, cleaning their ears and washing themselves.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 23rd November


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

In English this week the children have been linking their writing to their geography topic.  They discussed and identified the human and physical features of Northern Ireland and used the information they collected to write a postcard about what they learnt.  They also looked at using conjunctions to extend their ideas and sentences.  Alongside their weekly Read, Write, Inc work the children have also been looking at past and present tenses, identifying sentences and writing a creative piece of writing ensuring they used the same tense throughout and adding lots of interesting detail to their work.

In maths we have been finding 10 more and 10 less using numbers apart from multiples of 10 (e.g. 23, 35).  They have also been adding 2-digit numbers to 1-digit numbers, crossing the tens.  They used equipment including base 10 and the number line to support their working out.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 16th November.


Class 3 had a lovely time at Chester Zoo yesterday and enjoyed seeing all the animals, especially the penguins and chimpanzees which were very funny!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – This week we have been identifying and using coordinating conjunctions in our sentences.  We first of all spotted them in sentences and explained their purpose and then used words such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ to extend simple sentences and add more detail.  Alongside our read, write, inc work this week the children have been working independently on identifying and using adjectives in sentences and using the suffixes   -ful and -less to make words into adjectives.

Maths – In maths this week we have been focusing on adding and subtracting 1’s.  The children have looked at a range of reasoning and problem solving questions to find the incorrect calculation and explain why it is incorrect and inserting the correct symbols into number sentences (addition and subtraction).

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 9th November


Well done to Class 3 for your ‘Food, glorious, food’ song in the celebration assembly, you all performed amazingly!  You should all be so proud of yourselves for learning all the words to quite a tricky song!  Thank you for all your help to practise the words at home and for your fantastic costumes.

Have a lovely and restful half term.

Mrs Thomas and Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – This week we used our ideas and plans to write our own poems about sea creatures.  We used lots of adjectives, verbs and repeating phrases to make them more interesting.  All the children worked really hard on these and they sound fantastic – well done!  Alongside our Read, Write, Inc work we have have focusing on using adjectives in sentences and forming adjectives using the suffixes -ful and -less.

Maths – In maths this week we have been solving problems using related facts (e.g. 5 + 4 = 9 / 50 + 40 = 90) and finding bonds to 100 (tens).  The children have reviewed their knowledge of bonds to 10 to help them find bonds to 100.  They have been using the tens frames to support their working out and solved a range of problems by adding tens up to 100.

The children have also carried out assessments in reading, writing and maths this week.  They have all tried really hard with these.

RE – We continued to look at examples of how we can look after our world and worked together to design a poster to display this information.  The children discussed lots of ideas about how they can look after our world and had a good understanding of this.

Spellings – To be tested on Thursday 25th October


A letter went out today about costumes for the celebration assembly.

Friday 19th October 2018

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – We have been reading and listening to poems this week. We read the poem ‘Walking around the zoo’ and discussed what we liked about it, then identified verbs, repeating phrases and had a go at adding our own adjectives to it.  We then created ideas for our own poem, thinking about adding lots of interesting adjectives, nouns and repeating phrases to it. We have also been focusing on using verbs and adverbs in our own sentences.

Maths – This week we have been comparing addition and subtraction number sentences using the symbols <, > and = to find out which is bigger/smaller/the same as.  The children used a range of apparatus to help them with their work and support their ideas.  They then used this to solve problems involving making different combinations of number sentences to match the one given.  Some children even looked at the patterns in the number sentences.  They have also started to look at related number facts and using the bar model to find the missing numbers.

Science – In science we have been collecting data about our favourite food.  We came up with foods to choose from and had a class vote to find out which was the most / least popular.  We then discussed our results and used this information to record it in a tally chart and block graph.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 19th October.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English-  This week the children have been writing a postcard back Mr Belcamcem who found our balloon all the way in Normandy!  They thanked him for his email and told them a bit about themselves.  They thought about using questions, exciting vocabulary and extending their sentences to make their postcard sound more interesting.  Later on in  the week the children focused on using verbs and adverbs in their sentences.

Maths – We have been recalling and using addition/subtraction facts up to 10 and 20.  The children have then been using a part whole model to show additions and the inverse operations (subtractions).  They have been involved in lots of practical activities to get used to using the model and then writing their own number sentences.

Science – We continued to look at the food pyramid and the five food groups.  The children worked in pairs to design their own food plate by including a range of food from the different groups.  It has also been interesting at lunchtime as the children have been discussing which food groups are on their own plates!

Spellings- To be tested on Friday 12th October.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – Alongside our read, write, inc work we have been identifying nouns and using them in sentences and writing expanded noun phrases to add more description to the noun.  The children have written some wonderful, descriptive sentences.

Maths – This week we have been ordering objects and numbers and using our problem solving skills to answer a range of questions.  Then we have been counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s using the number grid to help us.

Science – We have been discussing and understanding what it means to eat healthily.  The children made a food diary and discussed if their diet is healthy and what they could have eaten more / less of.  They then recorded their food diary into a food pyramid, looking at if they ate food from a range of the different food groups.

Spellings – To be tested Friday 5th October


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – We have been identifying nouns in sentences and writing expanded noun phrases to add more description to the noun.  The children have thought very carefully about their sentence work and using lots of detail.  We have also been looking at our spellings focus for the week (words starting with ‘wr’) and using these in our own sentences.

Maths – This week we have been comparing/ordering sets of objects and numbers.  We have been using the symbols more than, less than and equals to compare numbers.  The children have been using a range of concrete and pictorial representations of numbers and objects to help them prove and check their answers.

Science – We have been discussing the importance for humans to eat the right amount of different types of foods.  We used a food pyramid to sort a selection of food into the following groups: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, sweets and oils, meat and fish and dairy.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 28th September


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas

Class 3 weekly update

English – We have been continuing to focus on punctuation and writing sentences including capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.  We have also been using commas in lists and using the apostrophe to mark singular possession in nouns.

Maths – We have been solving problems by using tens and ones in addition – identifying and explaining mistakes, describing number patterns and finding different ways to represent a number in a number sentence.  We have also been using a place value chart to represent 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Science – Introduction to our topic on ‘Animals, including humans’.  The children have been discussing the basic needs for survival and identifying what we ‘need’ (e.g. food, water) and what we ‘want’ (television, toys).

RE – The children listened to the story of ‘Creation’ and looked at / discussed a range of images representing the days of creation.  They had a go at drawing what would be in day 6.

Spellings – To be tested Friday 21st September. 14.9.18

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas

Class 3 weekly update

Welcome back! Class 3 have had a great start to the new term and have all settled in well.

English – We have been focusing on using the correct punctuation in sentences – capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes.  They have also been introduced to their novel study “A balloon for Grandad”.

Maths – We have started a new unit on ‘Place value’.  This week the children have been working on counting objects to 100, representing numbers to 100 and using tens and ones in a part whole model.

The children have also enjoyed sharing their ‘Holiday memories’ and talking about what they have done over the summer holidays which has been lovely.

Spellings  – to be tested on Friday 14th September.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas

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