Class 3 home learning WC 4.5.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you are all well and have had a good weekend.  It has been lovely to hear what you have been up to at home and seeing the work which you have been doing.  Thank you to those of you that have registered for the Reading Planet books, what a great response we have had so far!  If you haven’t registered so far please look at our last post with all the details.  There were some technical problems with the website last week but all has been sorted now so you should be able to access these books now.  Please let us know if you need any more help with this.

Here are the learning projects for this week:

WC-4.05.20_-YEAR 2-Learning-Project-SPORT

WC 4.5.20 – YEAR 3 – Learning-Project-SPORT 

We hope to hear from you all soon – your messages really do make our day.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Rising stars reading planet books

Good afternoon Class 3,

We hope you are all having a good week so far?

Thank you to those that have created an account with the Reading Planet.  Just to let you know that we have now assigned you with your first ebook.  If you haven’t yet done this, we will do this once you sign up.

Please let us know via email if you are unable to access it or you feel the book assigned needs to be changed if your child is finding it too easy / too hard.

Many thanks.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 home learning WC 27.4.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you have had a good week/weekend and have been enjoying all this wonderful sunshine?  Not sure where it has gone this morning, but hopefully it will come out again soon!

Here is the home learning for this week.  Please do continue to share any work you have done at home as we love to see it.  Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Week-3-WC 27.4.20 Learning-project-YEAR 2

Write a set of instructions checklist

Week-3-WC 27.4.20 Learning-Project-YEAR 3

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 home learning – WC 20.4.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you are all keeping well and safe during these strange times, it looks like another few weeks of staying at home for now.

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed plenty of chocolate eggs!  We certainly had far too many here!  We have been so lucky with the sunny weather the last couple of weeks and it’s been lovely to be able to be outside to enjoy it.

Here are the learning projects for this week…

Year 2 Week-2-WC 20.4.20 – Learning project Year 2 

Shape mat for Year 2 2D shape mat   3D shape mat

Year 3 Week-2-WC 20.4.20 – Learning-Project-Y3

Again, please only do what you can at home and make sure you have plenty of time for relaxation and play together.  We would love to hear what you have been up to aswell, so please continue emailing us.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 home learning – WC 6.4.20

Good morning Class 3 and a happy Easter holiday to you all!

A very different one this year, but hopefully the good weather will continue so we can all get outside (whilst we still can), do lots of fun activities and enjoy lots of Easter eggs when the day arrives!  Thank you for all the work which you have shared with us over the last week, it has been lovely to see.  Please do continue to email us and share what you have done as we love to hear what you have been up to.

As you may have seen we have set some optional Easter activities as a school which you may wish to have a go at.  We have also attached some Easter maths problems which you may wish to have a go at as a family (answers included).  Again, these are optional activities and don’t feel as though you have to do them.  The main thing is to enjoy this time with your family, do things which you enjoy and stay safe.

Easter mystery Year 3

Easter mystery Year 2

Easter mystery answers for Year 2

Hope you all have a lovely Easter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 work wc 30.3.20

Good morning Class 3,

We really hope that you are all happy and well and your first week at home has gone well.  We are missing you all so much but hope that you are having lots of fun at home with your family.  It has certainly been a very strange time, but we are one week closer to getting back to normal life.  Hopefully it won’t be too long until we can see you all again.  Thank you for your emails and sharing what some of you have been up to, it’s been lovely to to hear – you have certainly been very busy.  Please do continue to email any work or share what activities you have been doing, they really are wonderful to see.

Here are the links for the learning projects for this week:

YEAR 2   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 2

YEAR 3   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 3

Have a good week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Hello Class 3

Morning Class 3,

Hope you are all getting on well at home? It certainly is a very strange and uncertain time for us all and we are missing all of you in Class 3.

We just wanted to say that whilst we have set activities for you to do at home, please only do what you can.  It is important during this time to spend quality time with family and do all the things you have never had time to do….and we are lucky that the weather is on our side this week so we can get outside (whilst we still can!).  So whether it’s baking, art, exercising, watching a film…enjoy this together.

It would be lovely to hear what you have been up to, so please send us an email at and also if you need any help, advice etc. with work.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 work for WC 23.3.20

Good morning Class 3!  Hope you’re all ready for the week ahead?

Here is the SPAG activity for the Year 3’s (page 3): SPAG year 3 WC 23.3

Science: Science plan WC 23.3

Year 2 science links: Y2 habitats WC 23.3

Year 3 science links: (Powerpoint) Y3 powerpoint for wc. 23.3

(information table / questions to answer) Y3 work for WC 23.3

If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to email.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran


Class 3 – World Book Day

Please could you bring the following in for World Book Day on Thursday 5th March:

  • Your favourite book so we can talk about in class
  •  An empty, clear, plastic bottle (500ml or 1 litre size – no bigger).  If you have a few spare that would be great!

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 toys

Please can children bring in their favourite toy tomorrow (Wednesday) to talk/write about during our English lesson.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

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